Page 111 of Heiress of Fire

“You know what. What was that?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Davina scoffed.

“What was Ron telling you up there? Have you guys been talking?”

Davina furrowed her eyebrows and held her hand up. “Woah, stop right there. Just because he randomly showed up with smart remarks and perfect conditioning does not mean I have been in contact with him.”

“I don’t understand why he felt the need to bother us now. Why come to Castellum after being stuck in that hole of his garbage life?” Isaiah shook his head.

Davina grabbed her bag, and headed out the door and into the castle corridors, with Isaiah right behind her. The other Island Protectors were ahead of them, laughing and joking with one another. She wished to join in on their conversations soon or else she would completely disregard that Isaiah was a Chief Leader and her fiancé.

It seemed like Isaiah was only a sweet gentleman when Ron was not involved at all.

Davina could feel rage begin to rattle inside of her core as Isaiah continued to mutter distasteful comments about Ron to her.

“Isaiah, please stop,” Davina sighed, rubbing her temples.

“You know it’s true. I don’t know why you’re getting mad. Everyone knows about the long list of women that he has bedded and his uncontrollable intake of alcohol.”

Davina clenched her fists.

“Can we just not talk about him anymore?” Davina asked.

Isaiah remained silent as his honey-brown eyes examined her pursed lips and scrunched brows.

“Okay, we won’t,” Isaiah said.

Thank Magnar.

“That was good training today,” Davina noted, trying to change the subject.

“Yeah, we needed it. Especially you. Those hips of yours seem to be getting bigger,” Isaiah remarked as he examined his sleeves. “Oh man, I lost a cuff link. They were expensive.”

Did he not hear himself? He said that as if it was an inoffensive comment.

She never believed herself to be someone out of shape, despite inheriting her body figure from her mother. She looked down at her waist and hips. It was genetic, she had told herself that her entire life. Yet his comment made her think it was more than that.

Ron would never say such a thing like that to her. He believed her to be perfect the way that she was. She recalled the sweet cadence of his voice when he would express his admiration for her.

“What’s wrong, my darling? Did that piece of garbage say anything to upset you?” Isaiah asked.

“I thought we were done with that topic,” she muttered, trying her best to hide how unnerved she felt being so close to him.

“Are you sure you haven’t been speaking to him? Not even giving him little signals that it was okay for you to speak again?”

Isaiah was acting like a jealous mess. He had never seemed envious whenever she would talk to Caleb or Beacon.

“No,” Davina replied, rolling her eyes.

“Okay, good, because I don’t want you talking to him at all. You don’t need that kind of trash in your life,” he replied, holding the golden door of the castle open wide enough for her to walk through.

Hopefully, my hips aren’t too big to pass through the door.

A riot exploded inside of her as she bit down on her tongue. The last few rays of the golden sun gleamed upon the islands of Bellatorm as Davina and Isaiah stepped onto the courtyard.

“I wouldn’t do anything that would force you to make the choice of leaving me.”

“Even if you did do something, I have multiple young maidens waiting for me,” he said. “And last I recall, you don’t have any suitors in line.”