The sadness had passed, and the rage at the injustice he was living settled deep within him.
How could the mighty King Magnar ever allow this to happen? He was denied the power of controlling the air element, causing him to feel like an outcast his entire life. Then he was given the ability of lightning only for it to be just as futile. Why did Magnar do this to him?
He wished to throw it all away, to stop trying to abide by what was good. It brought him nothing but pain. He slammed his fist into the gravel floor.
“I know you can hear me,” he began. “Why did you give me these abilities if I won’t be able to use them? Why did you isolate me from my family? Why have I been the freak? Why? Everyone says you’re a good King. That you’re some kind of father to your creation. Yet here I am. Hopeless and helpless. And heartbroken. Why have you allowed for my life to be like this? Will this be my end?”
“I promise by everything I have ever believed in. I will become the worst Predator to have ever been known if you continue to ignore my pleas for help. Because that’s all I’ve done my entire life, I’ve begged you to change this about me. And not once have you answered. Prove me wrong, or this will be my last call for you.”
His chest tightened as he let out a shaky breath. But that wasn’t what he truly wanted. Ron never desired to do evil, he wanted to be good. Just like Davina was good.
“But I don’t want that. I don’t want to be a Predator, I want to be a Protector. It’s in my very being to protect those who cannot protect themselves and I can’t deny it, even though I tried to. But how can I truly embrace this desire you have put in my soul if I cannot manifest my abilities?” The words tumbled out of him, and he couldn’t make them stop. “And then the woman I love is to marry someone else and she is to head off to war soon. I have never agreed with her being Captain, and maybe that’s why you haven’t allowed my powers to ignite completely since I found out they were of lightning. Maybe that’s why I’ve had to rely on my physical strength to be a Soldier in your army because I’ve rejected what you have accepted. Because I haven’t believed in your cause steadfastly.
“But I promise you, Magnar, get me out of here and I’ll protect her. I’ll defend her in the front lines if need be. I’ll die sheltering her and my people. I’ll do whatever I have to do so she can continue being the Captain. So Bellatorm doesn’t come to an end. So she can be happy and her siblings can live. I’m willing to allow you to use my life as an instrument to win this war. Because if I am to die, then I want to die an honorable death.”
He laughed at the irony.
“That’s exactly what she’s doing.”
Ron lifted his eyes.
“Use me to win the war. I’m willing to fight. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
He had to put his faith in Master Abigail’s words, that Magnar accepted those with an open heart. But as he listened to the droplets of water echoing into his dark cell, he could feel the usual doubt wanting to slither back into his mind. Then his fingers began to tingle before they ignited completely with bright blue and yellow. The hum of electricity buzzed above his palms, casting a light cyan hue over his face. He laughed, tears brimming his eyelids.
“Thank you, Magnar. You will not regret this choice.”
Footsteps clicked from outside of the dark room. Ron quickly curled his fingers in, putting out the electricity that blissfully danced above his hand.
Ron was able to glimpse that the smaller door was a little window connected to a much larger entryway as a dark silhouette stepped through the light that filled his cell.
He pushed himself to his feet as he met with the masked blonde-haired woman before him. It was Raven. Ron quirked up a brow at her pale porcelain skin. She wore a strapless black dress with a slit running from her midthigh to her silver heels. A red ruby diamond hung from her neck, matching her earrings.
A Predator stood by the door, blocking some of the light from the hallway. With the door open, the air seemed to unclog. Ron breathed in deeply with delight.
“Glad you’re alive. I feared that my Predators hit you in the head when you were in your… past state,” she hissed through her iron mask.
“What am I doing here? What do you want?” he snapped.
“No need to be so snarky. You sound just like Vivi,” she sighed.
Ron rolled his eyes as she pronounced the nickname he gave her.
“How was your stay here? Welcoming? Comforting?” Raven asked.
Ron didn’t answer but only blinked at what she believed to be humorous questions.
“I see that since I parted from Bellatorm all those years ago, my brothers and sisters have become so bitter,” Raven exasperated.
Ron remained silent.
“I brought you here because I believe that you and I share a common goal. Among other things. You have felt outcasted and like a freak your entire life. I have been exiled from my own kingdom and have been seen as a witch, but I don’t think all those rumors about me are true. Neither do I think that you are a freak or an outcast like others have.”
“Get to the point, Raven.”
“I have summoned you here with a proposition.”