“What if I want you?” I asked, slowly sucking the spoon.
My husband raised his eyebrows and gave a quick look around the kitchen. “I did say you get anything you want. Though I think that you would certainly be more of a gift for me.” He pushed me gently against the countertop, pinning me in with his hips. I giggled as he tugged the spoon from my hand. He dipped it lightly in the to-go container and brought it to my neck, trailing a line of chocolate down to my collar. The cold silver and anticipation sent a thrill down my spine. Shooting me a half smile, his tongue lapped at my neck. I shivered straight down to my already wet panties. Sucking and teasing with his mouth, he followed the chocolate down the line of my neck, stopping to nibble at my collar. I ran my fingers through his silvery hair, relishing the feel of his sandpaper face on my chest. He didn’t stop once his line of sugar disappeared, his mouth continuing its descent down the top of my dress over my breasts. He pulled one out and took my nipple between his teeth. I gasped in pleasure and my knees opened instinctually, pulling him in. I could feel his hard manhood pushing against the bare thigh where my dress had ridden up. Our breathing was heavy as I admitted, “I want to feel you inside me.”
A low growl of agreement had him yanking down my soaked panties and unzipping his pants. I loved that sound. The clinking of a belt being undone, the metal whirl of a zipper being hastily pulled down, the swish of fabric as he revealed his hard and strong cock. With expert strength, Cedric lifted my ass onto the edge of the countertop and moved forward. My pussy was aching, begging for him. It had been almost a week since we’d made love just him and I, due to his surgery schedule. Though me, him, and Des had become a nightly routine before bed if we were altogether, I still wanted them both one-on-one. I was insatiable, and greedy; there was no denying it. I gripped his length and lined him up with my core, wrapping my arm around his neck, our breathing heavy with longing. With a hard nudge, he entered me halfway, and I gasped into his neck. My hands pulled at his collared shirt frantically, begging for more. “More, deeper, harder,” I panted.
“Are you sure?” he breathed, nibbling my ear, his free hand roaming my pert nipples again. Too still, he was being too still. The walls of my cunt squeezed in protest, demanding to be consumed.
I bucked forward. “Yes, fuck me hard, Cedric.”
The sound he emitted was pure masculine force as he thrust into me. A breathy moan fled my throat as another thrust jammed my flesh harder into the side of the marble countertop. I didn’t care; I loved it. I was tired of the gentle, delicate life pregnancy demanded. Of course I’d always take care to be careful, but right now, I was safe with my husband, and I wanted him to fuck me hard. And he obliged. Each time his hard cock entered me to the hilt, it felt deeper than before, knocking the breath out of me. “You like that, baby?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” I moaned, clawing his back, biting at his jaw. I was a ravenous being. We both were. “Come inside me,” I begged, needing to feel him.
“Come on my cock and I will,” he growled.
“Oh my god,” I pleaded with him, with the cool night air, a prayer of primal ecstasy. My peak shattered through me like a stormy sea on the shoreline. Waves of pleasure crashed into me as I cried out. I was still in the midst of its delectable assault when Cedric buried himself inside me and groaned his bliss. He filled me so deeply and thoroughly as my core pulled him in, accepting his offering.
We stood there for moments, or minutes, or maybe half an hour, just breathing, gasping, coming down. His lips found mine, his cock staying firmly in its place inside me. He kissed me deeply, our tongues finding their well-known dance. He twirled my hair with his finger, still gripping my bare hip on the counter’s edge. Finally pressing a gentle forehead to mine, he picked me up and lowered me to my bare feet. He knelt, smoothing my dress, and picked up my panties. “These are mine.”
I giggled. “Between you and Des, I’m going to run out of underwear. You’re both collecting my panties like they’re trading cards.”
Cedric smirked, his bad boy side peeking out, looking devilish with his undone collar and ruffled hair. “Maybe they are. Maybe we trade when you’re not around.”
“You don’t,” I admonished.
He shrugged. “You’ll never know.”
Freaks, both of them.
I held Cedric’s hand as he led me up the stairs and drew my bath. He knew without me saying that my legs were now sore at the end of every day. The scent of lavender filled the bathroom as he removed my dress and helped me into the tub.
He kissed my cheek. “I’m going to go heat up the rest of your cake and bring it to you.”
A smile lit my face as I sighed, sinking into the warm water.
Cedric was my god and this was surely heaven I inhabited with him.
twenty weeks pregnant
My younger sister Odette was not blessed with the virtue of subtlety, god bless her. So, when she demanded she and her wife take me maternity clothes shopping, I figured it was an easy win to let her have. I needed clothes. I’d resorted to wearing Cedric and Desmond’s shirts and sweatpants to accommodate my growing belly, and even those were beginning to tighten. It may have been a fun trip if Caroline hadn’t brought along the five-hundred-page baby book. She’d taken it upon herself to become a doula to better assist me in childbirth and postpartum. Each member of my crazy little family was overdoing it, but I just sighed and surrendered. Caroline could perform hip-squeezes and acupressure points if it made her feel more involved. I worried that with her quiet nature, the louder and more opinionated members of the group drowned her out sometimes. She needed something. Like I’d said all along, this baby was all of ours, my sister’s wife included.
“It says here that sex ripens the cervix in preparation for labor. You’re having sex, right?” Caroline asked as we made our way inside a small maternity boutique.
“Hey, look, clothes, I’m going to try them on!” Grabbing a dress, I ducked behind a curtain and exhaled.
A few moments later, the sound of my sister snickering reached my ears. “If your bearded husband is allowed to terrorize me then my wife can give you a hard time too,” she said through the curtain.
“Uh huh. Can you help me zip this?”
Odette slid inside and I turned around. “You’re so pretty pregnant, Dolly,” she said softly, tugging on the zipper.
I snorted. “I don’t feel pretty. I feel like a beluga whale on land. And Krill keeps kicking my ribs, I can’t sleep, food doesn’t taste the same, my hands are swollen so I can’t wear my wedding rings…” I groaned. “It won’t zip, will it?”
“No, let me try to find another size.”