The coffee place isn’t for another three blocks. Where did he go? My heart rate picks up at the thought we’re doing something out of the norm. A new game is starting and I’m excited to know what it could be.
The phone gets tucked away and I try to subtly keep my eyes peeled for him but he doesn’t reappear. I go ahead and cross the street, casually walking to the coffee shop I’ve never been inside of as if it’s a normal day.
The hairs on the back of my neck rise and I pause before I start walking again. Someone is watching me but I don’t feel like I’m being threatened. It’s more of an assessment feeling. I’ve caught someone’s attention. That’s impossible unless-
My breath catches for a second.
Did Shade just get the drop on me? I chew my lower lip to contain my smile. Tera did warn me that if he figured out I was following him that I would be in trouble. I guess my ‘cover’ has been blown.
Let’s see where he’s going to take this game.
The coffee shop is straight ahead and I walk in for the first time. I’ve only been able to see inside through the glass doors, the curtains are always drawn so the place has been mostly a mystery to me. They’re playing some kind of new age music that’s relaxing. The sounds are muted here, the speech of the baristas is quiet and the grinding machines at a low hum. This is a place meant for relaxing.
Several tables are set up with two seats apiece. There are larger booths against the wall with darker lighting creating a more intimate setting. The space is mostly open inside though the small tables outside crowd the sidewalk. The only glass allowing sunlight in is the front entrance.
There’s an exit behind the counter and another by the restrooms. Three employees minus whoever is in the back office. A subdued atmosphere envelopes me along with the scent of coffee. No pastries. Odd choice.
I tap the counter as I look around. The hollow sound of my nails against the wood startles the barista. He gives a little jump when he sees me. It’s always amusing when I ‘appear’ in front of people.
“What can I get you?”
I look at Jared, according to his nametag, and get a wary look in return. Tera says my eyes make people uneasy. Damned if she isn’t right about it.
“Two espressos, large.”
He looks taken back by my monotone. It’s also a normal reaction. What follows is awkward discomfort and stares that I don’t look away from. Every time our eyes meet he flinches. He’s happy to take my money though.
I slide to the side to wait for the drinks, casually looking around for my statue. Shade hasn’t slipped into the shop. I pull my phone out, pretending to text Tera, and peek outside.
There he is, hiding in the shadows of the alley I usually use. I can just make out his form, leaning against the wall of a shop with his arms crossed over his chest as he watches me.
Jared sets the two cups down and tries to backtrack quickly while I smother my pleasure. He’s playing with me. Finally.
“Do you have a marker?”
The barista freezes and fumbles in his pocket for one. He tosses it to me and walks away quickly.
I chew my lip as I debate what to write. Tera normally doesn’t speak to people about me so I doubt he knows who I am. I don’t want him thinking I’m a threat. If he does I can kiss our games goodbye. I settle on something simple.
Ask Tera to explain.
I step outside and look at the empty tables on the sidewalk. I set his cup on a table and look up at his hiding spot to give a chin jerk and point at the cup. Then I walk away with my pulse racing. I start texting Tera to let her know he’s aware enough to catch me following him. She’ll be excited, too.
Me: He knows.
Tera: That took longer than I thought it would.
Me: Be nice when he calls.
Tera: What?
Hmm. I’ve kept my overwhelming obsession with him under wraps well enough that this will be a red flag to her. I’ve never told her to be nice to anyone.
Maybe this will be another game. How long will it take Tera to find out how much I want to keep him all to myself? Hopefully not until it’s much too late.
I put the phone away and revert to being unseeable, taking the long way back to my car. The sensation of being watched disappeared after I rounded the corner from the coffee shop so I know he’s not keeping pace with me anymore. It isn’t an exercise day so let’s see if he really changes things up. If he isn’t home in the next thirty minutes I’ll have to hunt him down.
The thought of it leaves me breathless as I silently laugh.