Page 18 of The Villain

I clear my throat again to try and sound calm when I say, “Fine.”

“Ok,” she lets out a relieved sigh. “I think he wants to be friends.”

I can’t think of a decent thing to say. He wants to be friends and I want to fuck him on the nearest surface just to see if I can shock his mask of nothing off. I want to tie him to my bed so he can never leave. I’d have to gag him though.

“Can you meet him somewhere? I’d like for you two to get along.”

“He’s on a bad path for that,” I mutter.

I’m still angry with him. He’s not going to get away with treating Tera badly. After a little thought I know the perfect, neutral, public place. I do my best to not make a public spectacle of myself. If he pushes me too far I’ll be more cautious.

“The coffee shop he likes.”

“Yay,” she celebrates with excitement. I’ll be that excited when I force him to apologize to her. Probably more so depending on how much persuasion he needs. “What time should I tell him?”

“Two am. He wants to fuck with your sleep-”

“Southie, no,” Tera says firmly.

“I’d be happy to wake him up.” She has no idea how happy. I won’t tell her how I’d do it either.

“No!” She lets out a frustrated sound.

I let out a deep breath and regain my runaway thoughts. Strangely it’s the thought of actually meeting him face to face that helps me calm. My world is getting a little brighter.

“I’ll behave.” I give in. I want this. Badly.

My sudden turnaround eases whatever anxieties I’ve worked up in her.

“How about eight? Maybe ten? You can get some caffeine,” she wheedles to try and sweeten the deal. Like coffee will make me accept a person. She’s so odd and hopeful all the time.

But I said I would behave and I meant it. I can behave. I won’t overwhelm him and make him run.

My shoulders drop back down and my breathing evens out. “Let him decide. Day after tomorrow.”

“You won’t be back tonight?” She sounds disappointed.

“If teleportation was real,” I sigh, watching cars go past me on the highway. If it was, I'd be punishing Shade now instead of having to wait. I have the gut feeling I’ll lose my anger the longer it takes.

She giggles, “I know, right?”

“Are you feeling any better?” I change the subject abruptly. I wonder how far along she is. I can’t remember when the morning sickness stopped for my mom. I need to get a book on this shit.

“Yeah. Asher makes the best soup,” she sighs dreamily.


“I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

“I doubt they feel the same.”

“Asher likes you already,” she assures me. “You threatened to kill Shade so you’re practically best friends.”

“Then he’s acceptable.”

She laughs outright for that and several voices join her.

“You’re the best Southie.”