This is fucked up.
I know it is.
Dr. Robinson said it is.
I can’t stop. I don’t want to. Nothing is the way it was before now that I know what real attention feels like. Even Tera’s doting affection doesn’t compare.
I want her back. Now.
08. If Only
Packing up my things has taken a lot less time than I thought it would. I have the few things I need from the apartment I’ve lived in for the last few years. I don’t trust anyone with my figurines. The other shit can be picked up by the moving company.
Everything is done and loaded securely in the bed of my truck in less than a day. It will take me three to drive back. It’s fucking ridiculous.
I’m halfway back with my loot when my phone starts ringing. Tera. I thought she was still ‘sick’? Did things go bad with her men?
“What’s wrong?” I ask immediately.
She sighs so heavily I can practically feel the rush of air through the phone.
“Ter-bear?” She likes the nickname. It makes her feel closer to me when she can’t reach out and touch me.
“You’re on speaker on my end,” she says softly. “Asher, Max, and Trevor are with me.”
“Ok.” So, not a problem with her men. What the fuck? Is this a meeting of the minds? I don’t see that going well.
“Just full awareness, you know?”
“I appreciate it.” No one knows my hang ups better than Tera.
“I’ve told them to be silent.”
Not a meeting of the minds then. What is going on?
“Ter-bear. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You sound like you’re in a car? Did you rent another one? Where are you?”
“Halfway back to you in my truck, now stop deflecting.” I keep my voice calm in the hopes that she’ll get to the point soon and I’ll have a person to take her issues out on. I’ve been more irate than usual. The violence might put me back on track.
She sighs heavily again. I decide to wait her out. It’s not like I can walk away as I go seventy down the highway.
“You were supposed to take me with you,” she suddenly whines. It sounds like she’s about to burst into tears. I should have known she would be upset about it. She likes being included in even the most tedious jobs simply to feel helpful.
“I wouldn’t take you down your driveway while you’re sick, much less halfway across the US. You’re fucking high if you think that.”
“You could have waited,” she pouts.
“I could have, but then I wouldn’t be able to surprise you.” If I get it out of the way now, she’ll have less things to bring up as a distraction.
“What do you mean?” She asks cautiously.
“The house will be ready in about two weeks.”
“Really?” She gasps and I can see her in my mind’s eye, bouncing for joy.