“Yeah. I’m going to order a pizza to be delivered later. I wasn’t expecting help with the move.”
“Do I have to give him my spare key?” Her hands drop as dismay fills her features.
“Of course not. I’ll get one made for him.”
“You technically don’t need one, angel,” Asher points out with a dark grin.
“It’s the principle of it,” Tera whines.
“Better window locks,” I type as Tera’s eyes widen on me.
“No! I still suck at that,” Tera stomps a foot angrily. “I need the practice.”
“Tripwires?” I offer breathlessly as I start laughing.
“You jerk, Southie. I don’t have anything to throw! It was one time and I learned my lesson, ok? You don’t have to hold it over my head forever, you know.”
“We can grab the extra towels from my place for the spare bathrooms,” Shade says as he passes the doorway to the hall. “I like pizza any way it comes.”
“Do you want beer? I’ve always heard beer and pizza are moving staples but I don’t drink.” I look around to see everyone else’s reactions. They seem to be accepting of the unwritten beer plus pizza rule.
“None for me,” Tera chirps happily.
“Some ginger ale and waters are being delivered too,” I tell her. “I have some in the truck for when they’re late.”
The faint sound of crushed gravel reaches me and I look out to see the truck hauling my stuff.
“On time. This town is so weird,” I mutter in confusion.
Unloading takes twenty minutes. I don’t have much to my name. I’ve only ever bought necessities. My figurines are the biggest portion. And my DVDs.
They leave everything in the living room and everyone separates boxes by their titles. Tera gets banned to the couch and pouts as she watches us.
With her stuck on the couch I get the chance to play with Shade.
I catch him in the kitchen, opening a box to take out a blender.
“Your list?” I stand next to him and lean on his arm.
He takes the unspoken hint and wraps his arm around me with a smile. I twist my body to press my breast into his side.
“I don’t need much. You obviously don’t either,” he looks down at the three boxes. They look ridiculous with all the space around them.
“I want you to be comfortable. Your teas. Coffee pot. Anything you can think of.”
“You made me a drink this morning,” he frowns. “I didn’t get to it.”
“That’s why we went by the coffee shop,” I whisper with a grin.
He gives me a dark look of anger.
My smile gets wider as my hand slips beneath his shirt to cup him in his jeans.
The anger drops abruptly as his eyes widen.
I slowly rub up and down, feeling him beginning to harden under my touch.
“Where do you want this, South?” Trevor grumbles.