Page 101 of The Villain

Matthias took me under his wing to train me like any other new recruit. He never once let on that he knew Mom. And I never spoke about how far downhill she had gone. The drugs and alcohol to cope with what happened to her. I became an adult the night it happened and the one person who could have prevented all of it was my boss.

Until mom found out about my ‘job’ and confronted him. With me once again standing in the background as everything I knew got warped again. Years I worked with the man and never once did he acknowledge me. He knew what happened to her and did nothing about it.

He says he was afraid to have her close again. That the assault might have been due to her former association with him and he was terrified. His first wife suffered the consequences of his actions and he was watching it replay from the outside instead of doing what was needed.

It didn’t stop him from getting a woman pregnant with Andi. He snatched her up as soon as she was born and paid the mother off because she wanted no further part of his life.

I don’t understand the thought process at all. Or my mom for allowing him back in. Like Evie, I never will.

I have to let that shit go. It’s their life, not mine. Both of them have made a point to show me my input isn’t necessary. I won’t give up my mom, no matter how mad she gets at me for my mistakes.

Matthias is another story.

In the long run, he doesn’t matter. Whether he was present or not he caused me misery. With that experience in mind, I prefer the without option.

I could wipe this slate clean. Easily. It’s not like I can be punished for it without some heavy repercussions.

I’m done with it all.

I want to build something with Evie, damn the consequences. For once I’m going to set aside all of the burdens I took on and focus on what I want. I thought I was doing that with Ira’s team but it ended up being a halfhearted effort.

This time I’m all in.

I’m not Evan or Daniels anymore. Not even Shade. I’m an amalgamation of all those parts blended together. I’m handing that over to one woman and calling it good. She’ll keep me on a tight leash, but I like it that way.

I see her, and she sees me. More of me than anyone else ever has. Trust has never come easy to me, but with her, it’s like she stole it and isn’t giving it back. She won’t stop until she’s stolen every piece of me with her psycho smile. I’ll watch her take me apart with pleasure.

Decision made, I calmly start wiping the work computer, leaving it an empty husk. Cleaning out the desk is just as easy. I grab only the important clothes to me and pack them into my spare duffle bag. The one with the rope and tape is in the trunk still.

I can always get more clothes. I’ve always had a hidden account for emergencies. We could live off it without issue for the rest of our lives with a fuck ton to spare. I pack up my laptop and figurine and drop my bag right next to Evie’s with a smug smile. I can’t wait to see her face when I drop this bomb.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand. I thought I left it on the pillow.

Evie. Damn woman plugged it in and left it on silent so I could have my ten minutes.

I smirk as I pick it up. The smug feeling of being cared for in the oddest fashion keeps me relaxed as I answer.


There’s a pause on the other end of the line at my darkly pleasant tone.

“Why would you attack a fellow team member, Shade?” He begins in a censuring tone. It’s paternal now instead of boss-like. Any respect he had for me is long gone. The change threw me for years. I wasn’t sure how to react to having a father. Everything seemed surreal. A figure that could take care of all the problems I’ve faced was always a dream.

It still is.

I didn’t realize a ready-made dad would add to my problems instead of lighten them. Live and learn.

“I don’t deal well with disrespect,” I tell him as I empty the nightstand. There isn’t much, but I consider the few keepsakes worth it.

“Really,” he responds in a sarcastic tone. “And this is how you chose to handle it?”


“And how did he disrespect you?”

I don’t like the patronizing tone. I’m starting to feel sorry for his oldest son. He’s had to tolerate this ever since he was born. How has he survived?

“Let’s cut the shit, Matthias,” I drop onto the bed as I tuck a few weapons away in various places on my body.