He doesn’t say anything but he pulls the phone away from his face to try and breathe slowly.
My hands skim his sides, making his body shudder. My fingertips trace the line of his pants. I look up to find him watching me with burning intensity. His hips lift the barest amount. I smile as I slide my fingers inside.
He drops the phone abruptly, lying flat to crush my hands between us as I huff a laugh. He screwed himself because his shirt is still hitched up and his bare skin rubs along mine in a silky taunt.
He shakes his head hard and presses a button on the phone.
“She’s right here. Go ahead,” he grits out and presses me down with his full weight, staring into my eyes like he’s trying to psychically tell me to behave.
“South? Are you ok?”
I guess he put it on speaker. I untangle my hands from between us and stroke his back, enjoying the heat of him surrounding me.
“Yes. What time is it?” I clear my throat to regain some volume.
“What the fuck, Ter-bear?” I turn my head to stare at the innocent phone. What is she doing up this early?
“We’re picking up your keys today,” she squeals with excitement. I wince at the volume. The phone dropped onto the pillow right next to my ear. “I’m excited and they open in one hour. I want to get there before a crowd.”
Shade lifts up on an elbow, watching my face intently with a scowl. I frown back at him and try to pull him down to me.
“There isn’t going to be a crowd,” I mutter. She acts like it’s black Friday and we’re going to miss the sales. “It’s a simple pick up and signature.”
“And then I get to see your new house,” she squeaks out and I can hear her bouncing around.
Her excitement is infectious, as usual. I can feel a little smile trying to come up while Shade’s expression drops in surprise.
“How excited are you?” She asks breathlessly.
“It’s gotten irritating,” I scowl and she starts giggling.
“Please, please, please get up? You’ve been keeping me in suspense for so long I’m going to blow up with excitement!”
“I’m up.” And frustrated at the interruption but telling her that will make her throw up.
She squeals in reply.
“You’re moving here,” Shade says in a strained tone. I tilt my head, frowning in confusion. I thought Tera would have told him. Why else would my things be packed away? Does he think I enjoy sleeping on a hard floor?
“Today, Shade! Today!” Tera’s breathing gets uneven as she hops around. “Everything finally cleared and today is moving day! Her first house, it’s so epic! We need a truck to haul everything in.”
“I got my truck. And my stuff is being delivered, remember?” I remind her.
“You got it without me,” she starts pouting. “The road trip would have been amazing.”
“You’re fucking high. The road trip made my back hurt for days, oh pregnant one,” I say flatly.
“When you stopped following me you were getting your things,” Shade chokes out and drops his forehead to mine.
“Why are you so surprised?” I mutter and begin massaging his back instead of gently stroking.
“I didn’t tell him anything,” Tera says in a darkly smug tone I’m not familiar with. “I’m getting really good at passive aggression.”
My eyes widen as Shade’s head lifts to glare balefully at the phone.
“I’m impressed, Ter-bear,” I say reverently. Shade transfers the scowl to me.