Page 90 of The Villain

I take in his stance, blocking the doorway as if he’s expecting me to make a run for it. The monster has me cornered and he doesn’t want me leaving his sight. That’s fine.

“Let me borrow your phone first. I need to text Tera and let her know I’m not at the apartment and I’m missing my phone,” I hold out my hand for it and wait while he processes. We’re supposed to be meeting up tomorrow. I don’t want her wandering around that apartment complex by herself.

“It’s not in your backpack?” If he could sound more aggravated I don’t know how he’d manage it.

“No,” I smirk. “I hid it when you knocked.”

I think the key to the apartment is on the kitchen counter too. Damn. Did he lock it? Does it matter?

“I’ll text her,” he says in a taunting tone.

“Try not to be a dick about it.” I shrug. As long as it gets done I don’t care.

I make my way to the bed and thoroughly enjoy wreaking havoc on the comforter as I settle with my back against the wall. I make sure to untuck it from the bottom of the bed with a yank and ruffle it up as much as possible. He has two pillows so I take one and then ruffle up the case of his pillow because it looks like it’s been ironed. A damn pillowcase.

He hesitates before he flicks the lights off and then comes over, sitting on the side of the bed to text her.

His outline is stark against the light of the screen. Then he carefully plugs it in without disturbing the figurine and lies down under the covers on his back, body tense. He starts clenching his fists over and over, the rustle of the sheets an irritating sound that grates on my nerves.

After ten minutes of it I prop myself up on my elbow. He quickly turns to me and grabs my hip in a tight grip.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

The monstrous tone makes me sigh. “Would you relax? You’re tense as a board over there and it’s keeping me awake. Settle down and go to sleep.”

“What?” He sounds shocked his monster tone doesn’t have me quivering in fear.

“You’re shaking the bed and it’s annoying as fuck. I have enough trouble sleeping without all of that.”

His hold loosens and I lay back down. He stays facing me. His hand doesn’t drop away.

His shoulders slowly relax. I nod, yawning. “Much better.”

His fingers shift over my hip and I scoot closer, putting my arm around his waist. Maybe a little coddling will help. I forgot that physical touch is a destressor for him.

“Evie,” he grits out.

“Shh. We can fight in the morning, statue. Just get some sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”

He lets out a heavy breath and relaxes into the mattress.

I thought my kidnapping would be a lot more eventful than this, but he’s exhausted and pissed. I’m not going to complain.

20. Shadows


I startle awake, choking for air.

Even my own throat refuses to let me rest.

When I finally breathe easy again I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Death by sleep. How pathetic,” I mutter and rub my face in exhaustion.

Something shifts the mattress, bringing back where I am suddenly.

“I woke you, baby,” Shade’s voice is groggy but concerned. “We should look into one of those breathing machines while you sleep. It could help.”