She has to leave eventually. According to the sparse mentions of her, South lives in another state somewhere.
She spots me leaning on the open doorway of a café a block away and leans her head to the side to take me in. She nods and sets the cup down, walking away without acknowledging me further.
Damn it, how does she keep finding me? I’ve started applying skill to following her and it’s pissing me off.
Today’s coffee message reads, “You have to call her eventually.”
I scoff and take a drink. It’s chai. She finally got it right.
That should not be fucking exciting. It’s downright creepy. I know I’m fucked up but damn. I’m shooting for an award now.
I break and call Tera.
“Hi!” She answers happily.
“When does she leave?” I keep my voice flat as I sit at the table. I’ve never lounged around after, always trying to follow her back but she slips past me too. It’s a game of cat and mouse that I should not be enjoying as much as I am. This needs to stop before I lose the rest of my marbles.
“Hopefully never,” Tera sounds like she’s grinning as she says it.
“Hopefully now.”
“If you keep in touch with me every day for a week I’ll tell her she can stop.” Now she sounds like she’s pouting.
“Would she?” I don’t think she would, even if Tera begged.
I’d be lying if I said a big part of me doesn’t wish she’d ignore Tera and stay on my ass.
There’s something fucked up about her. Maybe it’s the constant resting bitch face or the fact that no one acknowledges her presence. People in groups part for her without hesitation but they don’t even look at her.
“If I asked her to, sure.”
“Because you won’t be paying her,” I reply flatly.
“Huh? Don’t be silly. Southie would be disappointed in me for even suggesting it. I’m not risking that.”
“Then she’s following me because you asked?” I frown at her sloppy scrawl on the cup. Why is there never a name on it?
“Yup!” She sounds so smug about it I scowl. It’s as if she’s a dog and Tera holds her leash. For some reason the thought makes me angry. At Tera.
I shake that ridiculous thought away and keep going. I need more info.
“If she listens to your commands so well, why didn’t she help you?” My one rage inducing sticking point. Come on Tera, put a nail in this coffin so I can pitch it into the sea.
“She always helps me,” she sounds confused.
“I didn’t see her holding your hand when you fell apart.”
Why am I like this? Tera is amazing and I keep trying to push her away with the most painful words I can use.
She sucks in a sharp breath and I swallow my apology even as my head drops down with a grimace. Tera is the last person who deserves to be treated this way.
“First of all, drop the old Shade act. I’m not falling for it.” Her strident tone makes my lips twitch into a smile. There she is. Come back swinging little sis. “Second of all, I didn’t tell her about it.”
“Why the fuck not?” I snap. If Tera can’t trust her to take care of her when she really needs it then why is she here? I need to rethink this whole situation without my interested dick and mental issues involved.
“Well,” she trails off hesitantly.