Page 89 of The Villain

Everything but the keyboard and laptop is bland as hell. If it wasn’t furnished and had laminate flooring instead of carpet I’d think I was back at my shitty apartment. I pace back to the computer and finally spy something that is definitely all Shade.

The little anime figurine is hidden behind one of the monitors, barely peeking out from behind it. If I wasn’t this close and paying attention I would have missed it. I pick it up gently. I don’t want to break the only thing in here that’s personal. I don’t like that he’s hiding it. The gun hidden there doesn’t rate.

I turn with it in my hand and see Shade in the doorway, watching me silently. He’s got his face blank but his eyebrow twitches when he sees the figurine in my hand. I don’t give a shit, I’m on a mission.

He thinks like Tera. Like all this bland pretend nothingness will hide who they really are. It’s bullshit. There’s no shame in liking things and letting people know. What is the point of that goddamn emotion anyway? Who cares if people don’t like it? If they say something you know who to avoid and get the right to punch them for it if they take it too far.

The little hands are cupped perfectly. I sit on the edge of his perfectly made bed to put it on the nightstand and the cable of the phone charger in her grip. I tilt my head and look from the door to the nightstand. It was the second thing I noticed in this barren wasteland so it will do.

“What are you doing?” He sounds completely unemotional as he asks.

“Giving her the space she deserves,” I shrug.

His eyes narrow on me, “Do you know who it is?”

“Not by name but I do know the anime. They kind of lost me in the second season. Made the characters too bland.”

“Bullshit,” he snaps and it draws my focus back to him.

“The first one was a blow out with all the enemies and violence. There was none of that in the second season.”

“It was the setup for season three,” he defends and his shoulders tense up.

“Too late, they lost me.” I look around again. Not that there’s much to see. I’m looking for more hidden treasures.

“What’s your favorite?” He poses the question like it’s a test of some sort.

“Deckhand Luna,” I peer behind the monitors just in case I missed one. “I can watch that all day every day and it still gets me.”

He seems at a loss for words at my easy answer. He rallies quickly, “The animation is shit.”

“Ok, snob.” I don’t care if he likes it or not, he’s not taking away my affection for the characters.

“Where are your posters?” He sneers at me. I give him a blank look.

“Packed up. I already told you that.”

His jaw clenches and the fake anger becomes real very quickly.

“Get in bed.”

“No. I’m looking for more figurines, this place is like a hotel room. It’s depressing.”

“My place is depressing?” He sounds shocked at my declaration.

“Yeah, it is. They’re in the bathroom aren’t they? I can’t see you hiding them in Tera’s room.”

“There aren’t any more,” he grits out and I frown at the tone.

I want to ask why but the question would be useless. He’s hiding what makes him, him.

“I’ll give you some of mine.”

He doesn’t have a response for that. Jesus he’s in a bad mood. I thought my kidnapping was going to be a little more exciting. This game is a bust so far.

“You get in bed,” I gesture to the pristine mattress. “You’re exhausted and cranky as shit. We can talk in the morning.”

“You first.” He shows me his teeth as if it could intimidate me.