“I love you, too.” I mutter back as I hold her.
“Hey,” Damon snaps and pulls her away.
Andi wipes her eyes quickly, clearing her throat. “Ok. So the guys want her head on a pike and dad isn’t going for it because she did a favor for the family with Glasgow.”
“With only Tera’s word as a link to it,” Brody points out.
“Get in the fucking car,” Andi shrieks at him. “No one is doing shit to Tera or South without some heavy repercussions.”
“I’ll ride with Shade,” Blaze mutters and starts to walk towards my car.
“No, you fucking won’t. I have shit to do and hauling your ass around isn’t in the cards.”
“It’s a ride, Shade. Not a big fucking deal,” Blaze says with a scoff.
“Yeah, I’m seeing it now,” I nod to myself. “The total disregard for whatever I’ve got going on. It’s stopping now. I’m done. Fuck off.”
“Bullshit,” Felix laughs at me.
“No bullshit,” I tell him flatly.
“Hey, let’s all calm down,” Melissa holds up her hands in an I surrender posture.
“Let’s not,” I tell her blandly. “I’ve put up with this shit for six years. I’m due some fucking rage.”
Andi gives me a thumbs up as she glares at them all.
“Over pussy,” Felix spits out.
I see red. The duffle slips from my hand as I stalk forward.
“The fuck did you just say?”
“Come on, Shade,” Ira snaps. “We all know you can’t fight for shit.”
The person I’ve shown them may not be able to, but I sure as fuck can.
“Say it again,” I stand a few feet away from Felix, ready to go.
“Your whore is a stupid cu-”
My eyesight goes black. Sounds get blurred out as I shake my head. When I snap back to myself I look down at Felix, writhing on the asphalt.
“What the fuck?” Blaze yells.
Blackout rage. Damn. I wanted to be present for his ass kicking.
Ira is gaping at me while Brody bends down to help him back up. I guess I broke his arm.
“Now,” I say in a deadly calm tone. “There won’t be any retaliation. No more talk of either her or Tera. They don’t exist to any of you. If someone has a problem with it, send them my way.”
I pick my bag up and nod at Andi as I pass. The shit eating grin on her face makes it worth it.
I force myself to go home to dig for info instead of fumbling around on my phone. I barely remember to lock the door on my way to the computer.
Once I sit down, I settle in.
I don’t want anyone from Matthias’ teams to track her so I dig out my personal laptop, shoving aside my keyboard to make room for it.