Page 79 of The Villain

She blinks in surprise. “That’s ok. I don’t want to think about it.”

“Same, pregnant chick,” I grimace. “It won’t happen again.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Max chokes on his laughter.

I flip him off and stay on point.

“I’m playing a new game.”

“Do I want to know?” Her voice comes out weak enough I barely hear her.

I scowl at her. “Not like that. Like with the phone.”

“Oh,” she sags with relief. “Keep away.”

Max leans forward with interest. “Tera said she’s playing games with you. What’s she keeping away?”

“She’s still hiding her phone from me because she knows I want it,” I give him a smirk.

“You haven’t found it. Don’t be smug,” Asher tries to tear my good mood down and fails.

“What’s she keeping away this time?” Tera asks with a smile.

“Her,” I laugh. “I have to find her.”

“Oh no,” she shakes her head as her smile drops. “I can’t tell you, Shade.”

“I figured,” I shrug easily. “But there are things you guys haven’t thought about putting bans on. Questions you can answer without breaking any rules.”

Her eyes narrow like she’s insulted. “Like what?”

“How many siblings does she have?”

Her smile turns smug, “Nope. Can’t say.”

“She was in juvie with you. Who got released first?”


“Did she get added time for assaulting anyone who harassed you?”

“Yeah,” her shoulders slump.

“Don’t be upset. She did it for herself too.”

She gapes at me in surprise.

“I’m learning,” I tell her with a frown. “Give me a break. Was she there before you?”

“I don’t know,” she winces. “Really. It was like she appeared every time I needed her from out of nowhere. I was convinced she was a ghost until her roommate started complaining about her. Seeing her brush her teeth was surreal.”

“Has she always been so up front?” I don’t know how else to put it. “I mean, not faking things for other people.”

“No,” she shrugs. “She said she used to fake being normal all the time. I made her show me once and it freaked me out.”

“You hadn’t seen it before,” I nod.

“Yeah,” she shudders. “She was all happy and perky. It was weird. I made her stop after a few seconds.”