Page 72 of The Villain

I show him my response with my own smug grin. My hand goes back to his neck to check his reaction and stroke his skin.

He sucks in a sharp breath and meets my eyes, his pulse beginning to thrum under my fingertips.

There it is. Hello monster.

My core suddenly gets pressed against him. The pressure makes my breath catch. My eyes meet his as he smiles. His own version of my feral smile. A sinister stretch of lips revealing teeth.

“Come home with me,” he mutters, his eyes tracing my lips. His tongue flicks out to wet his. I take a slow shaky breath while I watch.

“Dude,” the guy next to us, an Andi toy I can’t be bothered to remember the name of, gives us an uncomfortable look that I ignore.

I lean into him, pressing as close as I can get to speak into his ear. “You’re hiding a monster inside you.”

His shoulders tense, his thighs quickly following.

“Will you let him out to play with me?” I lick along his ear with a huff of laughter.

A shudder works down his torso.

“Ok, that’s a bit much,” Felix snaps angrily.

“Seriously, we’re in public,” Blaze adds through gritted teeth.

Shade’s fingers clench over my hips.

“The show you put on in your apartment. Was that for me?” I get giddy just thinking about it.

“Yes,” he grits out. “Not that you cared.”

“I cared, statue. A lot.”

“If you had come inside you could have had more,” he taunts. I can feel him smirking as he murmurs against my ear.

“If you had been outside you could have felt how wet it made me. I want another one, without witnesses. I’m soaking my panties just thinking about it.”

His breathing gets ragged as he jerks his head away from me. He’s looking at me like he doesn’t believe a word I’m saying. When will he realize I don’t fake anything? He’s been hiding so long he doesn’t see the truth in front of him.

He’s hard enough it feels painful. I rock a little to tease him more. To tempt him past that flimsy mask. Come on, monster. Play with me for real.

“Get the fuck off him,” Blaze snaps from right behind Shade.

I ignore him as Shade’s fingers spasm over me, his hips shifting. His cheeks are flushed.

“Nobody wants to watch the two of you fuck at the table,” Ira puts in with disgust.

“Please stop,” Tera says weakly.

For a second I ignore her too, staring into his eyes intently. His expression shutters and I narrow my eyes. I was close. Now he’s withdrawing. I came on too strong.

I slowly stand and get off his lap. His hands drop away quickly like I burned him. The reaction leaves me disappointed. I’ll have to think up another way to lure him in.

Blaze leans down into my face with a sneer. “If you want to play whore you can do it in private. Have some self-respect.”

This advice from a man that had absolute perfection and treated it like garbage. Melissa is plastic enough she could be recycled. They’d all make great compost.

I turn to Tera and sign, “Bathroom?”

“Sure,” she looks pale as she says it. “The upstairs bathroom doesn’t have a wait.”