I end up pacing back and forth at the front, trying to get an idea. There she is.
She looks upset. She’s trying to hide it by looking at the table but she can’t help looking up with a little pout and subtle nod as someone regains her attention over and over. Like they can’t tell all the screaming signals to shut up and leave her alone from real friendliness.
I’m five seconds away from seeing the cry/smile.
Hell no.
I start towards her and see Max seated next to her with a scowl. Trevor is next to him with a fake smile of happiness. That fucker should be punching people and hauling out bodies. Asher is on her left with his hand on her knee. His grip looks tight.
That’s it. Someone is dying tonight. Happy birthday Tera.
The rest of the table comes into view and my feet stick to the floor. This explains a lot.
The four assholes are across the table from Shade, with Melissa sitting between one of the twins and Brody, babbling away with a smirk that makes me want to mop the floor with her face.
She’s the one talking, making Tera uncomfortable as she looks between Melissa and Shade. And no one is saying a goddamn thing to stop any of it.
I took too long.
I’m at Tera’s side in a second and turn my back on everyone to sit on the table, blocking her line of sight to Melissa. I pull the bag into my lap with a feral smile as Max and Trevor lean back in surprise at my sudden appearance.
“Happy birthday.”
She probably can’t hear my muted voice over the music but her body sags in relief as she looks up at me with a giddy smile. The smile becomes concerned and she waves me forward quickly. I lean down for her to whisper/yell into my ear.
“Why do you look like you just killed someone?”
I use sign language to reply. “I totaled a car and popped all four of the asshole’s tires. They owed. They paid.”
She chews her lower lip. I can tell she’s giggling. She doesn’t call me out on my bad behavior, either.
Tera opens her present and coos all over it, forcing Max to hold it while she talks about how soft the pillow is. She takes it back, puts it on the table, and rests her head on it with a happy grin. Max tries to push me out of the way so he can do the same.
Mission partially accomplished.
I slide down and turn to find Shade. He’s standing with his chair pushed in like he’s been waiting for me to pay attention. He’s in statue mode and my eyes narrow over it. The look makes his expression go completely blank.
He can be as blank as he likes. The color is back, no matter his expression. I can’t wait to rip that mask off his face and see what’s really under there.
He holds out a hand. I take it, trying not to betray my surprise at his willingness. When I look back at Tera she gives me a firm nod of approval. Then she turns her attention to the rest of the table to start a long story about pillows and how important they are. She knows the most random facts about things. She’s good at keeping people distracted.
Shade walks me onto the dance floor without a word, solemn mask in place, and begins to dance to the wild music pounding from the speakers. The man can dance, that’s for sure. He’s not the only one.
What game are we playing now?
He’s looking at my disheveled appearance with a tiny frown and narrowed eyes.
“Why are you dirty?” He moves closer to be heard over the music.
I’m not answering that. The strain on my voice isn’t worth it.
His nostrils flare at my silence, his frustration quickly slipping past the mask.
Good. He can suffer for a minute. He’ll live.
I turn my back on him in an easy sway and start dancing by myself. The assholes have all stayed at the table to chit chat like the dance floor is a plague zone. I keep an eye on them anyway. I doubt the truce Tera claims is in effect will last past the damage I just did.
An arm bands around my waist, pulling me back into Shade’s body, keeping me locked there as we move together. I melt into him instantly, his effect over me is too natural to be fake, no matter what he thinks.