Page 64 of The Villain

“All good,” I mutter and tap her forearm.

Now I need my other new life changer to show up so I can grovel. I don’t care who sees it, either. I’m taking Asher’s advice and hitting her head on. No more dodging or playing games. She’s coming home with me tonight if it’s the last thing I do. I have rope and duct tape in the car and give no fucks about witnesses.

I glance around for her, ignoring the idle chit chat, mockery, and flirtation going on.

She isn’t here yet. I pull out my phone to get the jukebox app downloaded so I can dance with her to something that has meaning, debating over which one would convey the most about my feelings. Something not subtle at all, no words wasted.

I find one and smirk.

Tera sees it and gives me a mischievous grin.

A text comes through from her. She must be hiding her phone under the table.

MoralCompass: You better have a plan. If you don’t she’ll start a fight or play games on her phone all night.

Oh really. I’m tempted to switch up the plan now. Access to her phone? I could win the game while she’s distracted. The thought brings a smile to my lips. It pisses me off that the assholes got a peek before I did. Before I can get too far ahead of myself another text comes.

MoralCompass: If you know her at all, you know which way she’ll go.

I glance at her as she widens her eyes and mimics a punch.

That’s ok. Tonight isn’t about games. We can do that later.

Me: dancing

Tera’s eyes widen and she bounces in her seat.

MoralCompass: Perfect! She loves to dance!


“Are you going to pout and ignore us all night?” Blaze asks.

I glance up from my phone in irritation to catch Felix throwing an elbow into his side.

“Hey, so it didn’t work out with her. No big deal,” Blaze keeps going with a warm smile. “We should hang out tonight. We’ll help you get over her.”

If Evie were here that would be a fist in the face comment. The idea makes me smile inside but I keep my expression locked down.

“Haven’t you missed us since we’ve been gone?” Melissa asks.

I keep my mouth shut and look them all over as they pause, waiting for me to speak. They actually look interested in my answer. Maybe this is when I’m supposed to break and confess all my sins to them.

They sit across from me, smug in the knowledge that they’re having some effect on me when nothing could be further from the truth. They think I’m weak and wounded. Ready to roll over and show my throat.

They aren’t a threat to me, no matter what they think. The fact that they have no idea who I really am is hilarious at this point. I have more kills under my belt than they do put together.

They also have no idea that I’m tense in my seat and clutching my phone to be ready when she gets here. They don’t rate in my mind anymore.

Where is she?

I fucking owe.

17. The Apparition


Jesus Christ, how am I getting through this crowd? I can’t even see which table Tera is at.