I just got ghosted. While I fucking watched.
Game over.
I’ve got stuff I need to do today.
I look over at him. His back is to me now. He’s talking in a small circle with the twins and Melissa.
There’s nothing to protect him from here. Other than himself. According to his body language he isn’t interested in that right now.
I should probably warn Tera that he’s falling back into bad habits. Her reassurance that he’ll be fine without me might make it stick.
All of these thoughts run through me, but deeper inside my rage begins to get eaten by that empty void inside me that urges me to feed it more. Any emotion will do. That dark craving is starting. I can’t let it take over.
I need to leave.
I don’t second guess it as I walk out and take one of my back ways to his apartment. The coffee is too cold to be appetizing anymore so I toss it into a dumpster on the way.
Being away from the sight of it helps a lot to get myself back under control.
Tera is going to be upset about this. I’ll leave his lecture to her. She’s an expert. And she won’t try to keep him locked away for her own amusement.
If this keeps up I’m not going to have any teeth left. I’ve been grinding them hard enough that my jaw is starting to ache. Faking being a part of this group is even worse in person. I have to pretend to respect them as adults while my mind ticks off all the flaws in their logic. There’s no point in bringing it to their attention. They don’t listen.
A glance at Melissa shows her to be exactly the same as all the rest of them. Ego and seduction with zero substance. How do they stand her? She has every inner alarm I have going off while she stands next to me. I’ve warned them several times something isn’t right about her. They ignored it. She’s sleeping with them all now. She almost has the entire team wrapped around her finger. I’m the only hold out.
She tried to make Evie believe she’s slept with me too. She didn’t have much of a reaction to the words, which annoys me. A little show of possessive feeling would make what I’m trying to get from her easier. I want to know if she’s looking at me the same way I’m looking at her.
Her complete lack of emotion over anything unless it pisses her off makes it difficult to tell. Yet she didn’t get that raspy tone when she spoke to Melissa. No anger in sight. No emotion.
Until I got close and she fucking poured over me like hot water. Fuck she felt good. I want her plastered on me like that always. I know she had a reaction there but I want more than sex. I want all of her. She called me a tease as if I’ve been stringing her along. Why? Is she playing a game on these assholes now? Making it seem like she wants me when she’s acting to play up their rage?
I don’t know and that makes me very uneasy.
When it’s my turn to speak I go through the motions. They all nod along. I’m tempted to add something off the wall to see if it sinks in. Would they even react? A smile tugs my lips as I think of what I could say. Something Evie would appreciate.
Melissa leans on me, claiming she needs to adjust her shoe. Then she doesn’t back off. I glance at Evie, but she’s picking up her cup. I’d really like to be with her right now, not over here dealing with bullshit. I pretend like Melissa doesn’t exist as Felix says something and I give the required smirk. Maybe seeing this will motivate Evie to make a move.
Give me something to work with baby. I want to make sure I’m not fucking myself over again.
Ira takes a call and Brody goes outside with him. It leaves me with the three idiots who insist on regaling me with tales of their off time while they were away. Like I give a shit. I’m sure it’s just to hear themselves speak.
I look outside to find Ira talking to Brody, his phone put away.
This is pathetic. I’m getting out of here.
I turn to find Evie gone.
What the fuck?
I look around but I don’t see her anywhere. A look at my watch tells me why.
Shit. I fucking left her over there for almost an hour. Game or not she’s lost her patience with me.
I walk away from Blaze while he’s talking and get the barista’s attention.