“Night, Shade,” I smirk and walk to the counter.
“Everything ok?” Denise asks in concern. She looks at Shade, who’s glaring at me from his table. He looks like he’s ready to kidnap me instead.
Huh. I wonder if he would. That would be fun.
“Yeah. Do you know which pie he likes the best?”
She blinks at me in confusion. “He usually orders apple.”
I nod. “Give him a slice of apple and a cherry slice with ice cream.”
“Really?” She smiles smugly at me.
“Yeah. He deserves a little something different tonight.” I slide my card over. “Put everything on my ticket.”
“You’re sweet,” she laughs and hurries with the card.
By the time I’m in my truck she’s serving him the pie with a wide grin.
He hasn’t finished his burger. He set it down and hasn’t picked it back up since I left. He was too busy watching me walk away with his stiff statue posture.
Shade glances at her, takes in the plate she sets down and then slowly looks at me with narrowed eyes.
I smirk and wiggle my fingers before I pull away.
12. Closer to You
Tera: Oh my gosh. He’s in such a good mood!
The amount of heart and laughing emojis that follow reminds me of Shade’s caller IDs. I wonder what Tera’s is?
Me: Why?
Tera: Because he’s getting Southie time!
Hmm. That seems promising. Except she’s an optimist that splashes sweetener over every interaction. I have to apply a little salt to her stories.
I glance up from the phone to see Shade waiting for me on the sidewalk. He looks irritated at the delay. It isn’t five yet.
I toss the phone into the glove box and join him.
“Did you forget?” He asks in a grumpy tone as he starts walking.
“You leave at five-fifteen every weekday. Your schedule is off. You’re early.”
“Your voice is better.” His tone gets softer as we keep pace next to each other.
“Rest does that.”
“Phone today?” He asks out of the blue. He’s not being subtle at all.
“No.” I try to hide my smile.
“Tera warned you, didn’t she,” he pauses his steps to give me a wary look. He acts as if I’m going to berate him for it.
I lean toward him with a feral smile. Now he’s onto the game and the real fun can begin. “I asked Tera, but she wouldn’t answer. Maybe you will. Is it in your family’s bloodline? The hacking? The insatiable need to know so much?”