My name is what? Damn Tera and her love of 80s rock bands. That’s the worst fake name yet.
“Have you been in touch with Tera about this?” Ira asks gently. Trying to salvage his blow up from a second ago I bet.
My eyes narrow on her and hers do the same to me. I jerk my chin in a go for it gesture. Tera has already told her and she refused to listen. I think this is going to be a running theme in this town.
Andi breaks our stare down to pick up her phone.
Everyone seems invested in her call.
“Tera? Hey. Would you mind explaining South to me?” Andi asks sweetly. One of her boyfriends leans close so he can hear whatever her response is.
Andi doesn’t say anything as she watches me. I relax back in my chair and check my watch. I have twenty-five minutes left. I’m giving them five more and then I’m out.
I don’t want to imagine how disappointed he’ll look if I don’t show. He’s been left behind and forgotten so many times I’m sure that’s what he’s expecting. To wait for me until his diner closes for the night in his frozen posture. My chest aches at the thought.
We aren’t close enough for him to be devastated about it so I don’t have to worry about the scream that has haunted me ever since I heard it. My dead gaze moves over the bodyguards with contempt.
Why are they still breathing again?
“Ok,” Andi chirps happily before her five minutes are up. When I look up from my watch, she’s beaming at me and squirming in her chair with excitement. “I get it and I’m in support one hundred percent.”
She nods a few times and then says, “Share your playlist with me super spy. I love what you’re doing.”
Andi hangs up and gives me a wink. “No problem. We’re good.”
“What?” Felix looks ready to lose his mind. Ira is watching me with open suspicion.
“I’m going to text Shade later and grovel for forgiveness. I was shitty to him, you’re right. It just made me mad.”
I nod once and stand up. My job here is done.
“Shade likes pie,” she calls out as I walk away. “Any kind, really.”
My lips twitch in a smile. She knows where he is. The pie display at the diner is unreal. Maybe having Andi around will be more useful than I thought. I can pump her for information if she knows him well enough to know his likes.
He’s so still and expressionless he looks like a mannequin. It disturbs me because he’s already anticipating the worst. It shouldn’t bother me. He doesn’t know how obsessed with him I am. He’s expecting the same old response to his demands that he’s had.
Surprise, statue. I’m listening.
As soon as he sees me he perks up in his booth, the stiff posture relaxing down. It relaxes me, too. I aced his game. The ball is back in his court.
I slide into the booth across from him and a waitress hurries over with a smile.
“It’s so nice to see him with someone. I’m Denise. What can I get you?”
“Water,” my voice goes toneless for a second and I clear my throat.
Her eyes widen and she nods. “A water. Orange juice too? For your throat.”
She’s gone before I can say anything else.
“You’re pissed at me.”
I look at Shade with my brows furrowed. “Don’t ever throw yourself under a bus for me again.”
“What the fuck, Evie? It’s not a big deal.” He runs a hand through his hair with an exasperated expression. My lips flatten as anger bites into me.