“Good,” my lip curls as I take her in again. She’s definitely upset now. Hopefully it’s because she finally gets that I’m less of a talker and more of a doer.
Shade reaches down to grip my jaw. I’m expecting the hold to be vicious, but he’s gentle. He eases my face to the side and angles it up until all I can see is him. I’m confused by the careful use of strength. He leans down until our noses are almost touching, giving me the full effect of his pale eyes.
“You don’t have to do this,” his brows furrow in confusion. “Come with me.”
“She’s going to back you up one way or another,” I whisper back. “Get out of here.”
His nostrils flare in frustration as we stare each other down. It’s hard for me to enunciate like this. I’m already feeling the effects. I catch my breath during the down time and have to clear my throat.
His eyes flick to my lips and back up. “No more talking like that. I’m giving you thirty minutes. You know where I’ll be.”
I do know. This is diner night. Why the fuck did he come here instead? Is he meeting with them and I threw a spanner in the works? The thought makes my anger fire hotter. It shouldn’t but it’s there. He’s mine and I don’t share.
I guess that answers the jealousy play question.
He leans closer to me and I ready myself for whatever bullshit comes next. His lips press to mine gently, lingering for a second, and then he draws back again. I’m so surprised at the move I don’t have a chance to respond. Out of everything he could have done, that was not what I was expecting.
“Thirty minutes, baby. Starting now.”
My lips are tingling from the contact. I want more.
He wants to play a game with me. It’s even more startling than the kiss. This game is about time and whether I’m listening. He’d consider it a test. I can’t wait to pass.
He stares into my cold eyes for another second and then straightens to walk away.
I’m trying to process while I watch him. My brain is too scrambled to do it. We’re playing a game together this time. Willingly. Tera is the only one that’s done that before. They really are spirit twins.
“You’re dating,” an excited squeal breaks me out of my stupor.
Andi is hopping in her seat with excitement, just like Tera does. Her boyfriends look shocked. The four assholes are glaring as hard as they can.
It’s a play. He’s trying to make the twins jealous. Did Tera tell him to start dating me? I wouldn’t put it past her.
If I play the game to win I might have a chance. I actually listen to him, even when he isn’t saying a word. I need to study up on him more and start spoiling him for real.
“Well?” Blaze snaps at me.
I try to regain my wits so I can play this game too. He likes Andi, otherwise he wouldn’t have stopped me. He would have sat silent without any expression, accepting whatever they dished out.
That’s stopping as soon as I can manage it. Without bloodshed, sadly. I won’t take away something he cherishes, no matter how much it irritates me.
“The guys you have guarding you are pieces of shit and you need to cut ties.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Ira thunders.
“Shut up!” Andi yells over him. “I’m trying to hear her!”
“She’s been following Shade for months,” Felix breaks in with a scowl. “Now they’re dating? That seems pretty suspicious.”
“How do you know that? You just got back,” Andi’s surprise is genuine, then turns to me. “Is it true?”
“It’s true.” I’m not going to deny it, I just won’t tell her the complete reasons why.
“Why?” Brody’s tone goes dangerously low. The rest of the assholes settle back, readying themselves for violence.
I stare at Andi. I’ll answer if she asks. No one else. She seems to be wavering on the fence now.
“We can’t find out anything about her. Her real name is Van Leppard but that’s all we know. Does that not raise any red flags, Andi?”