I ignore him to keep Andi’s gaze. She holds my stare though I can tell she wants to look away. I’m making her uncomfortable.
If I had my way she wouldn’t have to worry about her comfort ever again.
“Shade said he did it,” she protests with a frown.
“He wasn’t there and he had no idea it was happening. Same with Tera. Ask him for details, he’ll trip up.”
“Who are you?” She asks with a frown.
“You’re supposed to be his friend.” I want this point branded on her forehead before I leave here. She’s going to back him up or I’ll reconsider her friendship status as unnecessary.
The chair next to me slides out and Shade sits down. His face is expressionless as he looks around. What is he doing here? Other than distracting me.
“Let’s ask him now,” Felix says with a scowl.
“What’s going on?” Shade’s voice is cold as he speaks. “What are you doing here?”
“This bitch says she destroyed our things.” Blaze glares at me malevolently. Like I give a fuck.
“Why would she? She doesn’t know you,” Shade replies without missing a beat.
Andi chews her lower lip as she looks between us. “Give me details about it, Shade. What did you do?”
I raise an eyebrow at Andi.
Andi notes it and leans forward, her lips turning up in a smile. “South gave us a few convincing details when she admitted she did it. Why won’t you?”
His head whips around to look at me, enraged. “What the fuck.”
I give him a blank stare in return, even though I’m enjoying the emotion leaking past his blank mask. As a bonus, the longer our eyes stay locked on each other, the angrier he gets.
“Get up. We’re leaving,” he hisses.
“I’m not going anywhere until this is done.” I disagree as gently as I can.
His jaw clenches until his teeth squeak.
“Get. Up.”
I lean closer with a smirk. “No.”
I turn back to Andi, which seems to make him even madder, and her more excited. He leans into my personal space and slaps a hand down on the table in front of me. His other arm gets braced along the back of my chair. His lips brush my ear as he whispers.
“This is done. Let it rest.” The quiet tone is velvety with a hot breath. Goosebumps trail down my neck in reaction even though I keep the rest of me focused.
This one isn’t making him happy and relaxed, but I won’t relent. Sometimes there have to be rules. Tera taught me that. I’m making one for Andi now. She better meet me in the middle. I won’t cave on this one.
“Is this done, Andi? Should I let it rest?” My words become gritty with anger. She allowed Shade to throw himself under the bus without asking him a single question. She owes.
I lean forward, away from the addicting warmth of Shade’s presence, to give her a deadly look. She’s scowling and looking uncomfortable. Her boyfriends are starting to stand as if they could do anything. One of them is trying to signal a waiter. This town is full of morons.
“Look around you, woman. You want to stay in a nest of vipers, that's your call. I’m dragging my people out of it as of now. You can come with or you can get bit. I don’t give a fuck, but Tera does. Shade does. Give them some respect in return or fuck off.”
“We’re leaving,” Shade stands and pulls my chair out. I’m not budging until she gets it through her head. If he drags me much further, I’m going to stand up. He’ll try to throw me over his shoulder to get what he wants. As amusing as that would be, I’m not in the mood.
“I’m listening,” Andi says earnestly. She extends a hand as if she can reach across the distance and pull me back.