“I’m not going to hurt your big bro,” I remind her as I take the sopping towels to the trash.
She looks at me and slowly starts nodding. She’s getting an idea. As interested as I am to hear this I don’t think I’m going to like it. Max looks smug and he’s nodding right along with her.
“You know, I don’t think he’s mad at you at all,” she says coyly with Max beaming at her in mischief.
She’s definitely plotting. I drop back into the seat to watch her agile mind work over everything without speaking.
“Shade called Andi about the property damage and took the blame for it.”
“Excuse me?” My voice gets gritty in a snap. Her eyes widen as my expression drops to nothing.
“I think he wants to protect you,” she rushes to add. “He doesn’t want them to retaliate.”
Retaliate. I hope the fuckers do. I lie awake at night wishing they would stop by. Waiting for an excuse to wipe their plastic carcasses off the face of the Earth. I’ll do my own recycling.
My statue has made a big mistake if he thinks I’m going to let him go down for this. I own my shit and he better get on board with it fast.
“Andi is upset with him. I was hoping you could meet her and let her know you’re real so she’ll apologize.”
She’s definitely going to grovel. Shade lies and one of his supposed reliable friends who’s been MIA during his emotional vacation thinks she can step in and act like a bitch to him? Over a bunch of pathetic pieces of garbage. If she’s that hard up for revenge she can talk to me.
“Where is she,” I demand in a soft tone.
Tera gives me a wary smile, her eyes darting to Max and back to me quickly. “The best time to catch her is at her restaurant. She’ll be there tomorrow at six. It’s their family dinner slash meeting night.”
“Fine.” The word comes out as a hiss.
Tera relaxes back and her smile becomes real as she watches me. “It’s a public place so remember to mind your manners.”
She means obey my bans. I can’t hurt this chick anyway. She’s Shade’s friend as well as Tera’s. Shit.
“I understand.” If my voice is absolutely toneless as I answer, Tera chooses to ignore it.
“Yay,” Tera squeals. She and Max nod to each other with happy grins.
11. Valley People
I work until my eyes get gritty and then I go out to get my hair done. The only indulgence I’m allowing myself until the house is ready. Shade is another story. I’ll spoil him whenever I like.
By the time my hair is dyed teal and trimmed, it’s almost six.
No one stops me when I get to the restaurant. I walk around, looking for Andi. No one notices me as I pace past tables.
I spot her with her guards and three boyfriends at a table in the back of the restaurant. There are very few people around them, giving the illusion of privacy. Two empty chairs sit across from Andi.
I take the one that faces her directly and sit down. Everyone pauses eating to take me in. They act like I dropped through the ceiling and landed here. There’s a lot of confusion.
“I’m South,” I tell Andi flatly. I focus only on her. The rest of them can fuck off.
She blinks at me dumbly, setting her fork down to take me in.
“I set fire to their clothes in a barbecue pit, dug the ashes out, and put them in the middle of the driveway. I roasted marshmallows while I did it. I piled every game, movie, tv, and console into the middle of the living room, doused it with gasoline, changed my mind about setting it on fire, and took a sledgehammer to it all instead. Is that enough detail for you to believe Tera that I’m real or should I go on?”
Wide eyes stare back at me. The four assholes begin to get angry.
“You did it,” Ira says in a gritty tone.