“I’m not leaving.”
Very good.
“Are you sure? This might be last call Shade. You’ve made a lot of mistakes but we’ve overlooked them. Would Tera do that if she knew everything?”
Of course she would. It doesn’t matter what he’s broken or done. She will forgive anything. Especially since she considers him family. It’s unheard of.
This leader is a lot of gaslighting. He’s not even good at it.
“She will.” Shade’s hand curls into a fist as he faces them again. At least one of them knows how loyal Tera is.
“That solves that,” twin one turns to walk away as he gives his parting shot. “You’re still going to be hearing from us. I don’t know why you’re bothering with this shit.”
“When you come to your senses, call us. We might be back for you,” Ira tosses out.
Shade stands in that same stiff stance while they load back up in their vehicle and take their time pulling away.
That was pointless. He gave them an opportunity to tear him down and didn’t respond. I don’t like that.
I wait for him to get back in his car to drive away, wiping his hands of this situation.
He doesn’t.
He stands there as an undetermined amount of time passes. I’m starting to think he’s stuck there. What is he thinking? Without expressions I can’t tell. I want to walk up and ask him but I’m on a no contact ban.
I take Tera’s rules for behavior very seriously. Mostly to avoid jail. She says it would be bad for me to go there.
He suddenly tilts his head back, the first move he’s made in a long time, and starts screaming.
The agonized sound startles me and several birds get shocked into flight. I’ve never heard something so hopeless and broken before.
I never want to hear it again.
He has to stop. If he doesn’t…
His hands clutch at his head, the paper floating down as he drops to his knees and starts sobbing.
I witness him break apart right in front of me and can’t do a single thing about it.
I’ve been tempted to break bans before but never like this.
I was wrong. He isn’t like me. He isn’t a perfect statue to watch without touching.
He’s like Tera. He just hides all his emotions behind a lifeless mask. That’s why he saved her. They’re fucking kindred spirits. He needs her as much as she needs him.
He needs me.
No. I can’t do that to Tera’s savior. Even I have some standards.
I may not be able to be there for him but Tera can. I just have to convince myself that it will be enough.
I’m stuck watching him as he loses his mind with grief.
It’s fucking horrible.
I want it to stop. I can feel that slippery slope of violence approaching and I don’t have an outlet yet.
When he calms down the paper gets tossed to the side for a breeze to catch it. He’s given up and shutting down. It makes my rage calm a little but nowhere near enough. I’ve seen what’s underneath that mask and he has nothing to soothe it.