Tera weakly says, “Good call. Thanks for cleaning up.”
Like I would keep something that makes her throw up hanging around on the counter.
The other two come in, just as silent as the third guy. I might be able to get through this night without bloodshed. Pity.
There’s a cup of coffee by the sink and I narrow my eyes on it before I dump it down the drain. I know she feels like shit because she doesn’t protest and her obsession with coffee is almost fanatical. I pull out a cup and the bottle of ginger ale I brought, pouring a glass and setting it in front of her. She’s in Asher’s lap and sweating a little. Still feeling nauseous then.
I grab a towel from under the sink and soak it in cold water, ring it out, and hand it to her.
“Back of the neck.”
She gives me a weak giggle and does it, sighing in relief. “Your old school fixes are amazing.”
They’re all silent for a minute as they watch me cook.
Tera jerks up and I turn quickly, ready to watch her run for the bathroom again. Instead she looks shocked and her cheeks are flushed. “You know!”
I get back to work.
“How? We haven’t seen each other in weeks! We just found out! Is this a superpower?”
“Oh,” she sounds disappointed that I don’t have a mystical psychic ability, as usual. “I’m the same as her? Or did you ask?”
“Same as her.” My mother wouldn’t pick up if I called. I wouldn’t even try it.
“So all the stuff you brought is for me? To help?”
I nod.
“Bring me my offerings, peasant,” she says solemnly and I huff a laugh as I bring her the bags. I like this new twist on the old Tera. Her humor has a bite to it I can appreciate.
She oohs and ahhs over her favorite things. Gushing over the saltwater taffy and the fudge she loves. Making everyone try it all. When it gets to the things that will help make her pregnancy easier she gets quiet.
“How do you know all this?” Asher asks. I turn to see him holding the bottle of folic acid and reading the directions.
I point at the book Tera is pulling out and she starts to cry. I stand there in confusion as she hugs the pregnancy book to her chest. What about this is making her cry? At least she isn’t doing the sad/smile with it but this is just as disturbing.
“You’re the best South! I love you so much!”
“Drink your ginger ale.” I watch her with a confused head tilt. Asher is watching me like he’s seeing something. I don’t know what it is and I don’t care. He should be focused on Tera.
“There’s even a box of tissues bebé,” Max laughs and Trevor smacks his arm hard enough to bruise.
“Is that Mama South’s recipe?” Tera asks eagerly, her tears suddenly drying up, and I nod. It’s like she’s possessed and I’m not sure what to do.
She starts talking about my mom and all the wonderful food she taught me how to cook, assuring them that they’re going to love whatever I make. I don’t really care if they do or not. All that matters is it might be something Tera can keep down.
I go back to cooking, keeping a wary eye on the sudden demon she’s become. I think I’m going to enjoy the pregnancy hormones. It’s going to be complete chaos. I can already tell. How fun is that?
I don’t have to do any talking. Tera fills my silence beautifully. She introduces us halfway through a long explanation about having breakfast for dinner while they stare at me like I’m here to burn their house down. As if I would make Tera lose her possessions. Them included.
I plate food for each of them and sit at the table to begin cutting my portion into tiny bites. They all watch with morbid fascination until Tera snaps at them.
“Partial paralysis equals sometimes choking. Stop looking!” Then she calmly turns to me with a sweet smile. “Would you cut mine up too please?”
I blink at her, my knife frozen in the air. The sudden break into rage disappeared in a blink. It’s fascinating. I slide my plate over and take hers to start the process over again.