“Your name is Evie.”
He doesn’t say it like it’s a question but I nod anyway. It amuses me for a second because it just occurred to me that everyone must think my name is actually South.
“Tera calls you South.”
I shrug a shoulder, “Nickname.”
His expression doesn’t change at my lack of tone.
“Does it hurt to talk?”
I sit back to take him in again with confusion. That’s a new one. Usually it’s a horrified what happened to you or wary stares because people don’t know if it’s a joke or not.
We fall into another silence. It’s comfortable for me but he’s fidgeting with his cup. The rest of his body is still, no shaking leg or eye twitch, but his hand is betraying him. I don’t want to call attention to it because it’s the only tell I have that he’s either highly caffeinated or nervous.
“What do you do?”
I raise a brow at the innocent question. Are we small talking right now? What the fuck? I don’t think he’s playing a game either. I’ll have to feel this out as I go. It perks my interest up. How many layers does he have?
“I transcribe medical procedures.”
His head tilts and he takes a sip of his tea.
I guess it would be the polite thing to ask what he does. Is that what this game is? I want to know what he wants to know from me, though, so I keep quiet.
“How did you and Tera meet?”
“Best friends forever, huh?”
I can’t tell if he’s joking or not so I keep quiet. He sounds more like this is an interview. My anticipation hasn’t faded but something seems off. He’s way too tense in the shoulders for the benign questions. What is the point of this? I could be sleeping or fucking him right now.
I’m being impatient. He seems like a mostly normal person. Telling him to get in my truck and take his clothes off will make him run.
His eyes skip around as the door opens and another customer comes in. When they come back to me he seems startled at my unwavering attention. He’s the person I’m here for, no one else rates.
He clears his throat and his eyes drop. Probably a subtle hint to look away from him. I ignore it. Let my statue squirm. Maybe he’ll give me an expression.
“Why did you stop following me?” Finally, some emotion. He seems pissed about it but his expression remains almost entirely blank.
I’m baffled. Giving him what he wanted didn’t make him happy. Tera warned me but I didn’t think she knew what she was talking about.
He takes in my confused expression and the smallest frown appears. More a tightening of his lips than anything, but it’s emotion. I should have brought my phone.
“I gave you what you wanted.” The words end up being a question instead of a statement.
“I thought you were keeping me safe,” he jibes and I start frowning.
“What happened?” My voice gets gritty in anger and I try to clear it. Someone decided to fuck with my statue while I was away. They owe and they’re going to pay the fuck up.
He leans back, his expression turning into surprise. “Nothing. It was a joke.”
I stare at him, trying to get my breathing back under control while he watches me warily. I have to clear my throat twice before I can get out, “Don’t joke about that.”
This dick has no idea what I’m capable of and he’s pushing my buttons. He needs to switch games before I really get mad.