All she can tell me is that South checked out of her hotel months ago and got a pay by month apartment so she could keep following me. While refusing to tell me the name of the complex. A search came up empty on that front. The overwhelming number of people that have moved here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
She’s not allowed to give out South’s number or address because it’s some rule they have. A ban she put on Tera. The irony. And Tera isn’t budging on it, no matter how much I threaten her precious computer.
I’ve pulled up video feed from the streets leading from here to the coffee shop, gym, and the diner I like to at least have a video of her. It’s like she knows exactly where they are because she never passes a single one. There I am, as plain as day. No South.
She’s shit at being subtle. How did every single camera miss her?
I’m getting nowhere.
Where the fuck did she go?
06. Coming Down
I stand on the side of the road, watching two cops go through my rental. They’re taking their sweet time with it so I’ve had about forty minutes to think about this.
I’ve been pulled over four times today. Three the day before. Never the same cops and never the same reason. Some of them look legitimately confused when they don’t find the supposed hidden drugs and threaten me anyway. My favorite was the stolen rental car one. Some are for speeding or ‘warnings’ because my stickers are out of date. They aren’t but whatever excuse you can get right?
Someone is fucking with me.
But who? The only people that know I’m here are Tera, her men, and Shade. He wouldn’t play this game, would he? I left him alone like he wanted.
Or is he regretting that and we’re playing something new?
Tera told me the four assholes had some pull with the local cops based on their boss, Mr. Matthias. That means Shade has the same contacts. Speaking of.
Me: I’m canceling tonight’s dinner.
Tera: It’s too early for this.
Me: I don’t know how many times I’m going to get pulled over so I’m canceling just in case they finally arrest me.
I don’t want her thinking I bailed out on her when they refuse me my one phone call.
“No phones,” the cop snaps and reaches for it.
I shrug, handing it over. The last thing I need is beef with the cops in town. Or is it more beef?
What game is this? And how do I play? I try not to have anything to do with cops so I’m out of my depth.
I can’t keep my excitement from building up again. My statue might be messing with me. Is he mad I’m not hovering? That isn’t logical though, no matter how much I want it to be true.
Everything has become boring and gray without his presence to perk me up. I should have broken down and taken his picture. It was a mistake to wait for a real expression before I took one. If I ask Tera to send me one she’ll have questions. And concerns.
At least I have a reason to avoid having dinner with Tera. Meeting her three boyfriends sounds like a seventh level of hell situation and I don’t want any part of it. Now that I’m not following Shade and she knows that I’m moving here it’s opened up my social calendar.
I’m not pleased about it. I’d rather go back to following my statue.
I hear my text tone go off a few times and then the phone rings, Tera’s ringtone. When I don’t answer it gets quiet.
Thirty minutes later the cops get called away on some emergency and give me a warning about smuggling drugs. I take it all in and check the car over. I’m not getting that deposit back, that’s for sure.
My phone is on the front seat where the cop tossed it and it starts ringing again.
“How long has this been going on?” Tera sounds furious, not bothering to wait for my greeting before she starts talking. This is new. Tera tries to deny anger as much as possible.
“Since yesterday.”