The door opens and she comes out. She doesn’t look my way as she drops my drink off.
My lips flatten as she walks by me. I look down at the cup, wondering what message she’s left me this time.
“Bye Statue. It’s been fun.”
I look up and she’s gone.
05. Sleepwalker
She’s not parked across from the window. No one watches me as I make myself breakfast and pace around in my apartment.
This is a trick. I’m sure of it. Maybe she overslept.
I keep on the lookout as I walk to the coffee shop. I don’t see her anywhere. I don’t feel her watching me with her pissed off stare.
I feel… lonely. She wrote me off so fast. Three words and she gave up?
I try to shake it off. I do not need a psycho in my life. This is for the best.
“Did she leave?”
I’ve lost it.
“Who?” Tera sounds bewildered at my angry tone. She sounds like she just woke up and I glance at my watch, wincing at the time.
Then I get pissed. Who? She knows damn well who I’m talking about.
“South. Did she leave?”
“Then where is she?” I practically yell in frustration.
It’s been days since she’s followed me and I’m out of my mind. I waver between being pissed about it and being concerned for her. I can’t find her anywhere. The baristas have no idea what her name is or anything else other than her voice is weird, her eyes are empty soulless voids, and she hasn’t been in.
“She’s probably working.”
“Where? She doesn’t live here,” I grit out through clenched teeth.
“She works from home,” Tera sounds even more confused. I hear someone grumble as she shifts around and she whispers my name and an, “I’m not sure.”
“Well, where is home?”
“I don’t know, Shade. I’m sick and it’s too early for this.” She hangs up on me.
I spend the next few days pestering Tera about her location at God awful hours of the morning. She doesn’t have any satisfying answers to my questions so I feel a little less guilty about it. She started this mess and she can put up with my crazy ass.