“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“I sleep just fine!” The muscle in his jaw was dancing now.

“People without a conscience tend to do that.”

She was pretty sure his left eye was twitching as well.

The chair beside her scraped loudly, and she jumped. Leighton sat beside her, and Nick took the chair next to Derek.

“You two bicker like an old married couple,” Nick commented.

That silenced Jayna and Derek instantly.

“He’d be so lucky,” Jayna retorted with an exaggerated, sarcastic laugh. Not if Brennan was the last man on earth!

“Not even if she was the last woman on earth.”

Now her mouth dropped open. That was her line! He was such an ass. She hated him like she’d never hated anyone before. She hated that he could so effortlessly get under her skin. It seemed like Derek could read her mind. Not just read her mind but that he spoke her thoughts out loud like they were his thoughts, his words. Perhaps though, what she hated most was that they were so similar and suited for each other. NOT if he was the last man on earth!

Derek flashed her that bad boy grin, the one that popped that lone dimple. It gave him a lopsided appearance. Maybe he wasn’t so good-looking after all.

“Let’s just skip the insults and start on the wedding plans,” Leighton suggested, pulling out four folders from her bag. “I made a list of everything that needs to be done and divided it up equally between us.”

Jayna flipped open the folder that Leighton handed her. The list was extensive. Her portion of the list was enormous. Just what had she agreed to? Not only did she have to work with her arch-nemesis, but she had to work!

Jessica would love this well-designed spreadsheet. Her friend was compulsively organized. A slow smile, a bit wicked, lifted her lips. She needed to show this folder to Jessica. Maybe smudge it a little bit, spoil the perfection of it. Jessica would lose her mind, worrying that Jayna would not be capable of fulfilling her duties. Oh, she’d be so worried that Nick and Piper would be let down and offer to take over.

Jayna was not too proud to admit that she sometimes manipulated her friends. Okay, more than just sometimes, she did it often. But it was always for the greater good. And this qualified. Piper was just the sweetest person she’d ever met. If anyone deserved a perfect wedding, it was that woman. It wasn’t like Jessica hadn’t already offered to help. Honestly, what did Jayna know about planning a wedding? Wasn’t it enough that she’d come up with the idea?

Derek wasn’t so subtle in hiding his annoyance at the overwhelming list. “What the hell? I do have a full-time job!”

Leighton sighed, a frown marring her exquisite features. “Maybe you can recruit Ben to help you.”

“Forget that. I’m going to scratch off my name and add his.”

“We could be so lucky!” Jayna shot him a blinding smile like the one he had just given her. “Nick, you seriously can’t want this Neanderthal to help plan your wedding. The only thing Derek is qualified to plan is a raunchy bachelor party.”

Derek held up both hands in defeat. “Okay, first true words Date and Dash has spoken all night! I did hear about this stripper bus we could hire.”

“NO!” Both Nick and Leighton spoke at the same time.

Jayna shook her head. He was so predictable. And disgusting. That man was too much!

Chapter 14

That woman was too much!!

“Jayna,” Derek growled as the night before replayed in his mind. His eyes landed on the thick folder Leighton had given him that sat untouched on the passenger seat. He growled again. How was it that he was helping to plan a wedding? The universe indeed had a twisted sense of humor.

It wasn’t like he had anything against marriage, despite what Jayna had insinuated. He was thrilled that Nick and Piper had made up and were about to get married. He was happy to help and honored to be one of Nick’s groomsmen. However, working side by side with Jayna would be pure torture.

But he’d suck it up and be on his best behavior—for Nick and Piper.

The digital clock on the dashboard flashed 4:45. He was fifteen minutes early, and Nick wasn’t home yet. Shifting into park, he killed the engine and stepped out onto the Taylor driveway. He grabbed the cooler full of beer from the truck bed. Nick’s fridge was not well stocked lately, given his preoccupation with winning back Piper. Derek was just thankful Piper had said yes to the second proposal. Nick would have been heartbroken if she’d turned him down again. It was yet another reason he swore to remain single. Love was way too complicated.

He glanced at the house across the street. Ophelia stood at the front window, staring out. The woman was such a busybody. No need for neighborhood watch on this street; Ophelia had it covered. He eyed the roof as he walked up the front pathway.

He knew better, but the ten-year-old boy inside him couldn’t resist. Messing with The Meddler was too much fun. What the hell! Throwing caution and better judgment to the wind, he grabbed the ladder from the side of the house.