“Norbert is not a stupid name.” Tommy appeared behind Leighton and leaned down, pressing a kiss on her forehead. It was such a sweet, intimate gesture that stole Jayna’s breath. The couple had overcome so much to be together. Maybe this entire forever love theory had some merit after all. For certain people, that was. But was it really not for her?

Could Lance be the person she shared this with? Watching Tommy and Leighton had her wishing. Seeing Piper and Nick with Nathaniel made it seem possible.

Her eyes drifted back to Derek on the grass with the baby and puppy. It made her want things she’d never wanted before. It made her want those things with him.

Derek lifted the baby in the air again, and her heart stuttered dangerously. He was so good with Nathaniel. He’d make a great dad one day.

The thought skidded through her brain, screeching to a halt. He didn’t want children any more than she did.

As he lowered the baby, Nathaniel vomited all over Derek’s chin, barely missing his open mouth.

Jayna let out a loud snort.

“Hey, not cool, little man.” Derek sat up again. He didn’t seem overly upset. “You are your father’s son. Can’t hold your liquid either.”

“Hey, I resemble that remark,” Nick laughed heartily. “That’s my boy!”

“Oh, Derek. I’m so sorry,” Piper jumped out of her chair, taking the baby from him.

He shrugged and pulled up his T-shirt, wiping off his chin. Exposing those tight abs and tanned belly speckled with just the perfect amount of hair. Her eyes moved up as he wiped his chin. He had full lips that were normally pulled into a grumpy frown and usually directed straight at her.

But that frown was badass.

And when that frown lifted into a smile, holy hell. Melt. Sizzle.

Back up.

Stop checking him out, another silent reprimand. She needed to stop right now before the drool started to drip off her lips.

“Yeah, Lance is so the guy for you,” Jamie had moved over to Piper’s abandoned chair and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

“Shut up.” Jayna tossed more popcorn in her mouth, chewing vigorously.

A police cruiser pulled up and Burke Winston stepped out. He shook his head in annoyance, staring at Ophelia screaming on the sidewalk in front of Shamus’ house. The cop sent a wave in their direction before walking toward the disturbance.

It took less than five minutes to talk Ophelia off the ledge and Shamus into packing up his bagpipes. Burke strolled back across the street and Nick grabbed another lawn chair for his friend.

“I heard a body was found.” Nick held out a can of Pepsi to Burke.

Burke nodded, and his eyes fastened on Jayna. “It will be released to the media in the morning, so I may as well tell you all now. The body has been identified as Greta Cochrane.”

Jayna sucked in a breath.

Derek stood. “Do you have any suspects?” His eyes moved from the cop to Jayna.

“If you’re asking if Lance Roman is a suspect, I can only say that he is a person of interest.”

Chapter 37

A person of interest? The man Jayna was dating was now a person of interest in a murder investigation.

It wasn’t Derek’s business. Not his concern. She was no longer his ‘fake’ girlfriend, who he needed to pretend to care about.


He had stopped pretending the minute he first kissed her. Maybe it had started when she dragged him up on stage, picking out that hilarious song for karaoke. Or was it that night he’d picked her up for the gala? That dress! She’d been so beautiful. Or had it been when she toured his house, taking him to Jamie’s storeroom, cleaning the carpet that his feet now rested on? It could have started while playing wing roulette and choosing this very couch he was sitting on.

Derek stared down at the carpet. Jayna had been right. A reproduction carpet could never come close to the aged beauty of the real deal. And the salvaged mantle above his fireplace was also incredible. It highlighted the stone detail of the fireplace. These found pieces, along with the well-chosen furniture, turned the sterile new house into a home.