Oh no, he didn’t! She shot another death stare his way.

“I didn’t steal her.” Lance’s eyes narrowed. “She broke up with you.”

“True. Can’t say that I blame her. I’m not the relationship kind of guy,” Derek stated. He didn’t appear overly fazed by her continued penetrating glare. “Just know, you have a great girl.”

Derek shifted his stare straight at her, and she gulped. “If I was cut out for relationships, I’d be putting up a fight to win her back.”

Lance cleared his throat. “Well, I guess it’s good you’re not. I’m not the fighting kind of guy.”

Of course, he wouldn’t be. Lance was too much of a gentleman. The guy truly was perfect.

“I won’t interrupt you any longer. Enjoy your date.” Derek shot her a blinding smile, popping that lopsided dimple. The flame on the Bunsen burner shot straight up.

Derek is not the man for me. She repeated the new mantra. If she repeated it enough times, hopefully it would become true.

“I see there is some fresh talent at the bar,” Derek pointed to the three pretty women seated on bar stools, all stealing glances in his direction. “Think I’ll stroll over and make one or two of their nights.”

He was so not the man for her! What an ego! The guy was completely full of himself.

“I’m sure they will love to have their night ruined.” The snarky words escaped her lips. Why did she let him get to her?

“Oh, baby, it will be the night of their lives.”

She made a gagging sound, which she quickly muffled behind a loud cough as Lance shot a disapproving glance her way.

Jess’s words came back: Smooth the rough edges. Lance wanted a woman with class. And she could be classy. Her mother had sent her to debutante school. She had manners coming out of her yin-yang. She had been born with the proverbial golden spoon in her mouth. It was the very mouth that was often foul and smart.

My perfect guy wouldn’t care; he’d love me for who I am. She dismissed the thought as quickly as it went through her mind.

She could do this. Her eyes narrowed, watching Derek as he pulled out a bar stool next to the pretty redhead. His hand was on her lower back as he leaned in close, listening to the pointless chatter that was probably coming out of her far-too-glossy, full lips. No way those lips were not hyaluronic acid injected, or maybe the plastic surgeon had used fat taken from her ass to plump up her lips. When Derek kissed Red, he’d be kissing her ass. The thought made her snort and caused Lance to send her another shocked look.

She let out another cough. “I hope I’m not coming down with a cold.”

Jealous. You’re jealous. That internal voice ranted. She forcefully looked away from the redhead twit, who was trying too hard to be sexy. She forced her eyes away from Derek, who was enjoying every second of the woman’s attention. How was she jealous of Derek Brennan? What the hell?

Pathetic. You’re pathetic. That internal voice again. She needed to change to a rational, more reasonable internal dialogue—one that wouldn’t sabotage the good thing she had going now. She had a chance at a healthy relationship with a man who wanted the same. It was time to stop wasting time with men where there was no future.

She needed to stop being that person who always wanted what she couldn’t have. She had to stop being that person who changed her mind about what she wanted the minute she got it. That was messed up. It was self-sabotage.

Get over it. Get over him. Lance is a great guy. This was the voice she needed to listen to. This was the voice of reason. Lance Romance was the guy for her.

Damn it. Now Derek had her calling him Lance Romance.

Damn that man to hell!

It was time to grow up. Time to make smart decisions. It was time to start adulting. Lance Romance it was. Her forehead creased.

“Is something wrong, Jayna?” Lance asked.

“No, everything is perfect,” she smiled. Or close enough. She wasn’t missing anything by letting Derek go.

Chapter 36

“Have I missed anything?” Jayna dragged a chair from the front porch to the center of the lawn where Piper, Leighton, and Jamie sat.

“What kept you this time?” Jamie asked.

“I stopped by to see Talia,” she answered, squeezing in her chair beside Piper and Leighton. Nathaniel sat on Leighton’s knee, and Jayna reached out to touch his soft curls. Piper and Nick’s son was a beautiful baby.