“What’s the name of the decorator you used?”

“The name of the decorator?” She repeated his question.

“It’s not a difficult question,” he continued, speaking slower this time. “What. Is. The. Name. Of. Your. Decorator?”

“I didn’t use one. I did it myself.” She blinked again. Why did he care? “I scoured Jamie’s store for unique furniture and then bought the rest out of the Wayfair catalog.”


“Really. Why? Are you in need of a makeover to your bedroom at your parents’ house?”

Now he blinked, frowning. “No, smart ass. I just so happen to be building my own house. I’m still living at home to save money. And my mom is a great cook.”

“Oh.” That she wasn’t expecting. Not the fact that he’d eventually move out of his parents’ house, but that he was building a home. She’d pictured him living in a condo. All sleek lines, black leather and mirrors on the ceilings. A true bachelor pad. Nothing homey like what she’d created.

The man kept surprising her. A good singer. A great kisser. Her eyes landed on his full lips again, and she gave herself a firm head shake. It was just this romantic setting, and the ape did look so handsome in a tux. Maybe it really was made out of boyfriend material. He’d even splurged on a haircut for the event. She couldn’t help but wonder where he’d gone. She’d heard he was banned from his sister-in-law’s salon after dating and dumping all her single stylists. He certainly had not received such an amazing cut from Hank’s Barbershop.

“Can I get you another drink?”

“Uh, no thanks.” Seriously, who was this charming man?

She reached over and pinched his arm.

“Ouch. What was that for?”

“Just wanted to make sure you’re real. I thought for a moment that I was dreaming.”

“Aren’t you supposed to pinch yourself?” he asked, brow furrowing.

“Why would I pinch myself? That would hurt.”

“You are one of a kind, Jayna,” he chuckled, low and deep. A sexy sound that vibrated up her spine.

He stood and held out his hand. “Let’s dance.”

“Wow, such a gentleman.”

He twirled her before pulling her into his arms. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, “I’ll adamantly deny it if you tell anyone.”

His breath was hot against her earlobe. The intimacy of it sent shock waves through her entire body. She had to remind herself that this was indeed the ape-man, Derek Brennan. He was not a man to fantasize about, but one to be cautious of.

But Derek was a great dancer. Which was something else to add to the list of his growing attributes.

His left hand gently pressed against the small of her back, while the other hand intertwined their fingers. Hell had officially frozen over because she liked the way their hands fit together so perfectly. When Derek was pretending to be a boyfriend, he was attentive and sweet.

Pretending was the keyword. Fake date. Fake boyfriend. Fake feelings.

He was just putting on a show to save his career. But as he continued to twirl her around the dance floor, she started to believe it herself. He pulled her closer and stared down into her eyes like she was someone he cared about.

Fake. It wasn’t real.

None of it. Not his feelings or the nice guy act. Derek Two-Date Brennan didn’t catch feelings, and he definitely was not a nice guy.

It was FAKE.

Yet as that one song blended into another, she allowed herself to be held close, sinking into his hard chest. She gave herself permission to believe the lie, too.

Just for this one night, she could dream and fall and believe it. A shiver raced up her spine. Falling for Derek Brennan would be emotional suicide. It would destroy her as it had in high school.