“Loving it,” she finally answered Leighton.

Forcing her attention off Derek, she turned toward the stunning woman. While Derek’s demeanor softened when Leighton was around, Leighton had a completely different reaction to Derek. She truly seemed to be uncomfortable around her fiancé’s twin. Just what had happened between them to cause so much tension? Something definitely had. She’d bet her life on it.

The pub door opened, and Jayna turned her head, watching the new paramedic walk in. Now there was one fine male specimen. Just when she thought she’d limited her dating options by moving back home.

“Speaking about loving it, there’s the new paramedic. Even his name is hot. Lance Roman,” Jayna cooed.

Derek spun around in his chair before he turned back and stared directly at Jayna again. “You should ask him to join us.”

Her head snapped back, her eyes narrowing. “Oh, no! You just want to administer a little payback.”

“I would never,” he let out a sardonic chuckle, raising and lowering his eyebrows. The smile on his lips was anything but friendly as he tapped his index finger on his chin. “Remind me again just what it was you needed antibiotics to clear up.”

“You are such an ass!” Jayna hissed.

“Oh, that’s too bad. Looks like Lance Romance is already taken.” Derek pointed toward a table where a pretty woman sat. The paramedic walked straight toward her, dropping a kiss on her lips before pulling out a chair.

Jayna frowned as she followed his stare. Greta Cochrane had already sunk her claws into him. Damn, that had been quick.

“Who is she?” Jessica asked.

“A nurse I work with,” Jayna sighed. “She’s a new hire as well. And nice.” Maybe not that nice. Jayna had liked her, but that was before the woman swooped in and stole the most handsome and eligible man in town. Yet another man off limits. The dating pool in Blythe Landing was drying up before her eyes.

“Let me get this straight. Jayna, the man-eater has ethics? You won’t steal a man from a friend or a co-worker?” Derek leaned forward, sneering at her.

She flipped him the bird and scooped a slice of pizza off the center tray. “I’ll wait until she’s finished with him. Then he’s all mine! Until I’m finished with him.”

Derek leaned forward, pointing his index finger at her again. “It’s disgusting the way you treat men.”

Jayna dropped the pizza slice on a plate and lunged forward. She grabbed his finger and squeezed hard. “Look down at your hand, Mr. Perfect. Three fingers are pointing right back at you,” her voice raised in anger. “You treat women the same way I do men. But it’s okay because you’re a guy?”

He yanked his finger free, scowling. There was nothing that she hated more than this double standard. Was it her fault that every guy she went out with bored her to tears? She was not going to lead them on or waste her time. And to be brought to task for it by the biggest womanizer himself had her seeing red.

Derek’s eyes narrowed. She narrowed her eyes as well, not breaking his intense stare. It was a standoff. Granted, he was ‘Dare Brennan’; risk-taker, no dare too stupid or dangerous for him to resist. But she was Jayna Sutton, a woman who never backed down from a fight or a staring contest.

Jovanny loudly cleared his throat. The tension between them was palpable. They were not only making each other uncomfortable, but the entire table. Still, there was no way she was going to let the big jerk think he had won.

“Okay, kids,” Kylie imitated her mother, “play nice!”

“Oh, I always play nice,” Derek stated, smiling at his sister before turning that lopsided grin back on Jayna.

Jayna sucked in a breath, sitting back in her chair. She imagined what would happen to the cocky grin if she smashed her fist into his chin. It took all her willpower to stop herself from finding out. Instead, she listed all the reasons she shouldn’t; it would ruin her manicure, possibly injure her hand, and he was Kylie’s brother. It would be assault. But damn, it would feel good!

Forcing her attention off him, she turned her eyes on her long-time friend. Kylie had been acting strangely for a while now. Jayna could attribute some of Kylie’s odd mood to learning that her brother was alive. But there was something more. For a woman newly engaged, and to a movie star, no less, she didn’t appear happy. Why was that?

Observing relationships of people around her was one of Jayna’s favorite pastimes. Scrutinize was probably the more accurate word. She was always looking for proof that her jaded beliefs about love were wrong. So far, all she’d found was reassurance that she was correct; forever was a lie. Knights in shining armor were a fallacy, exclusive to the fairytale realm. Remaining single was a smart choice.

Her gaze shifted back to Derek. If he had one redeeming quality, it was that he didn’t pretend to be a good guy. He didn’t bother hiding his flaws from the world. Probably because he had so many flaws.

Chapter 2

Derek was aware of his many flaws. He didn’t need Jayna to point them out. Like she was so perfect! Exiting the pub’s parking lot, he cranked the stereo, letting Pearl Jam’s “Animal” blast through the speakers. He sucked in a deep breath, letting it hiss out between clenched teeth.

While he’d been raised on Johnny and Waylon, he much preferred 90’s head-banging music. Not that he couldn’t appreciate a country song about a good ole boy drowning his sorrows in the local honkytonk over his dead dog, broken-down truck, and cheating ex. But loud, angry, heavy metal ironically soothed him. The louder and angrier, the better.

Initially, he’d been drawn to hard rock bands as an act of defiance. Being the paternal twin of the perfect son was difficult, so he chose to be the complete opposite of his flawless brother. Over time, listening to hard rock music became more about personal preference than rebellion; he had grown to truly love it. The music relaxed him, allowing him to blow off steam. Tonight, though, it wasn’t helping lower his blood pressure or ease his anger.

Jayna! He slapped his palm against the steering wheel and cursed. That woman was a thorn in his side. Normally, she wouldn’t have been able to sneak up on him like she had. It wasn’t that he had built-in Jayna radar, although that would be helpful. But the minute Jayna entered the room, everyone knew it. She was loud and obnoxious, sucking all the oxygen out of the air. Tonight, though, his attention had been diverted.