“It was only one kiss,” Derek said quietly.

Tommy sucked in a breath before exhaling loudly. “It wasn’t just one kiss to me. Not to me! It was you finally acting on your feelings for her. And Leighton admitting she had feelings for you.”

“She broke my heart.” Tommy stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. “But you destroyed my trust and shattered what was left of my heart.”

Tommy’s hands formed fists at his side. “You are my brother, my twin. I have always forgiven you in the past. But Derek, this is too big to forgive.”

He watched as Tommy spun back around, walking through the hall and up the stairs. A giant sob started deep in Derek’s chest, working its way up his throat before coming out in a blast of hot air and even hotter tears.

What had he done?

Chapter 13

What had she done? Volunteering to plan a wedding? Jayna was not the romantic, wedding-planning type. Why had she opened her big mouth and suggested a surprise wedding? Was it really such a good idea? The bride still had to agree to it. The fact that Derek Brennan was pitching in was even more shocking. That man did not have a romantic bone in his body. Not a single one! He was the complete opposite of a romantic.

She pulled out a chair and sat down across from the romance-phobe himself. Derek shot her a cold, scathing look, one that he seemed to save exclusively for her. Jayna could see the cruel barbs that he also saved for her forming on his lips.

This dislike was mutual. She couldn’t stand him either. Who exactly had started this war between them, she couldn’t remember. Briefly, though, they had shared something that had been far from dislike. Then he broke her heart without a backward glance.

She had probably been the one who had started this feud. But she was not going to be the one to end it. Never again would she set herself up for that kind of humiliation. She would not feel bad for the cruel stares and the mean words that she also sent his way. Pretty boy had it coming. He was an insufferable ass who was completely without any redeemable qualities. A knuckle-dragging, club-carrying caveman.

Derek leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over that hard chest. Her eyes were drawn to the tattoo that peeked out of his short-sleeved T-shirt. The man had been gorgeous in high school, and that was only amplifying as he aged. It was a shame really that he was so damn good-looking. Such a waste on a man so hateful. Those thickly lashed eyes, an impossibly deep violet-blue, promised heaven. His dark hair just begged for fingers to run through the silky strands. Then there was his heavily muscled chest that filled out a T-shirt so well. Jeans always seemed to hang so sinfully well on his hips.

Stop checking him out, she silently scolded herself. The man was a world-class jerk. She gave her head a good shake and licked her parched lips.

Derek continued to stare at her, letting the silence stretch out between them. Damn, she hated how long he could go without speaking, forcing her to break the awkwardness. It felt like losing a staring contest, which they were also having. She hated to lose any competition. But she hated silence more.

It took her straight back to the oversized table in the ostentatiously decorated dining room, where her parents ate in silence. The only thing worse than that was when they weren’t home, and she ate alone in silence. Lonely, deafening silence.

If she was going to lose this contest, then she might as well go down swinging. “When a vampire goes out in the sun, it bursts into flames. What happens when Two-Date Brennan dons a tux and stands up in a church as a groomsman? Does he implode, or spontaneously combust?”

“Ha, ha. You’re hilarious.” The man could talk.

“Seriously, though, does it bother you to be a part of a wedding when you so obviously don’t believe in the sanctity of marriage?”

“I believe in it. I just don’t want it for myself.”

“Why’s that?” She leaned forward and placed her chin on a propped fist.

“None of your business.”

“So, you don’t have a problem with it?” she pressed, enjoying the muscle that she had caused to twitch in his jaw.

He forcibly clenched his teeth together to stop it. She was getting to him!

“The only problem I have is that you’re a part of it!” he spat out.

“Ouch!” She moved her hand from her chin to cover her heart.

“What about you?” He pointed that self-righteous, accusatory finger at her.

“Me?” She batted her lashes.

“Yeah, Jayna Date and Dash,” he winked as he used her latest nickname.

“I don’t have a problem with marriage or committed relationships. I just haven’t found anyone interesting enough yet to continue dating. Unlike you, I don’t like to lead my dates on.” She was nothing like him and wished that people would stop comparing them.

“I don’t lead my dates on,” he hissed, pumping up his chest.