Jayna glanced down when her phone dinged with an incoming text. “Oh, that’s not nice! Jessica just texted that we are a couple of assholes.”
The phone dinged again. “S.O.S.,” she read out loud. “Level one, or level ten emergency?” she spoke as she typed.
“Level ten,” she giggled, reading aloud the next incoming text. “Oh, we are seriously in so much trouble!”
Ding, ding. Jayna covered her mouth with her hand and let out a loud guffaw. “Jessica says her date just told her that he is wearing a bright purple thong underneath his suit. Apparently, he loves to be spanked.”
Kylie shook her head and groaned. “You two are the worst friends in the history of bad friends. Jamie, how could you not have predicted this?”
Jamie held up both palms defensively. “You know I can’t read anyone close to me.”
“After this, I don’t think Jessica will be close with either of you.” Kylie cleared her throat. “I’ll be sure she knows that I had no part in this.”
“Poor Jessica,” Leighton added. “You have to help her out.”
“Yeah, I guess we really should.” Jayna’s eyes landed on Derek again. He still sat at the neighboring table. “It looks like your brother is about to take one for the team,” she told Kylie. Shoving back her chair, she stood. “And I’ll save Blondie some heartache while I’m at it. No way she’ll make it past one date.”
Rolling her neck, she squared her shoulders and walked toward Derek Brennan. A devious smile lifted the corner of her lips. This was going to be fun!
She raised her voice. “Derek Brennan! I can’t believe you! The minute I tell you I’m pregnant, you stop answering your phone. Then you go and hook up with the first blonde bimbo you find!” Jayna settled her hands on her hips and turned her attention to Derek’s date. “No offense. I’m sure you’re not a real blonde.”
Derek leaned back, his eyes narrowing. “Who’s the father? Why would you be calling me?”
“Seriously? Who’s the father?” Her voice cracked effectively, and she forced a hiccup before pressing her lips together. Waving a pointed finger toward him, she continued her tirade. “You damn well know that you’re the father. And that dose of chlamydia was an added surprise I could have done without. You’re going to need a round of antibiotics to clear it up.”
She leaned down closer to him, “On second thought, don’t bother. I hope it falls off!”
Derek straightened in his chair, forcing his gaping mouth shut. He spun around, probably checking for his younger brother Ben, who lived to prank him. He turned back, aiming an angry scowl directly at Jayna. “Are you drunk? Did you fall and hit your head?”
With a theatrical gesture, she covered her mouth with her right hand. It was more to hide the laugh caused by the confused expression on his stupid face. She bit the inside of her cheek, forming tears in her eyes. After this performance, she should join the local theatre group.
His date stood, letting her chair scrape loudly on the concrete floor as she shot a death stare at both Derek and Jayna before stalking toward the bar. Jayna stifled another laugh, hoping it sounded like a sob. She lowered her hand and blew Derek a discrete kiss before turning toward Jessica’s table.
“Jess, I can’t believe he’s done this to me!” She took two steps toward her friend. Jessica sent her a grateful look that she quickly changed to one of concern before jumping up out of her chair.
“Jayna, are you alright?”
“I’m so sorry to interrupt your date, but…” she sniffled loudly and shot a hurt look over her shoulder in Derek’s direction. “But I thought he loved me. I thought he wanted this baby as much as I did. Oh, what a fool I’ve been.”
Jessica draped a comforting arm across her shoulders. “You’re not the fool, he’s just no good! He certainly doesn’t deserve you.” Jessica glared in Derek’s direction.
“You both are too much!” Derek grumbled. “Are you on drugs?”
“I hate to interrupt your date,” Jayna continued to blubber and apologized to Jessica’s date. “I can’t be alone right now.”
“Todd, I am so sorry.” Jessica grabbed her purse and jacket off the back of the chair. “But my friend needs me.”
“Uh, sure. No problem.” He stood up. “I could wait around. I don’t mind.”
Jayna began to sob uncontrollably, grabbing onto Jessica’s arm.
“Oh, no. This will take some time.” Jessica steered Jayna to the bathroom.
“Do you want to reschedule? Maybe tomorrow night?” Todd called after her.
“I’ll have to get back to you,” Jessica spoke over her shoulder, then hissed in Jayna’s ear. “You are so dead.”
“Jayna, what the hell?” Derek yelled after her.