Jessica was still torn up over that loser excuse of a man she’d dated for close to two years. The guy had been married and had managed to keep that fact hidden from Jessica and Jessica from his wife. That was the reason she and Jamie had signed Jess up for the dating app. Unfortunately, it seemed to attract even more losers.

“Jayna, I’m not like you. I just don’t have that kind of confidence.”

Jayna squeezed her hand. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Jess. You need to put yourself out there more.”

“What I need is to get home. I have an early day tomorrow, and the bar is packed. There is nowhere to sit.”

Jayna’s eyes scanned the room, finally landing on Nick and Derek seated at a table with two empty chairs. They looked to be in an intense conversation, which ignited her curiosity. She’d heard about Nick proposing to Piper last week, only to have the door slammed in his face. Gossip traveled at lightning speed in Blythe Landing, and she wasn’t too proud to admit that while she didn’t add to it, she certainly tuned into it.

She hadn’t been shocked when news of the breakup reached her. The tension between the two had been quite obvious. But what caused Nick to propose again? And why had Piper rejected him? This called for more investigation.

“I see a couple of vacant chairs.” She grabbed Jessica’s hand, dragging her toward the two men.

“Hey boys,” Jayna pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Oh, please join us. Sit down.” Derek glared in her direction. “We were having a private discussion.”

“Really, what about?” Jayna propped her chin on a fisted hand.

“What part of private didn’t you understand?” Derek lifted his shoulders.

“No, it’s good that they’re here. I could use a woman’s perspective,” Nick said, smiling at both her and Jessica. “I am trying to win Piper back, and Derek had a great idea.”

Jayna sputtered, “Derek had a good idea?”

Derek shot Jayna an annoyed glance before turning his attention back to Nick. “I did?”

“Yeah, the grand gesture,” Nick answered. “Just what would a grand gesture be?”

“No clue,” Derek shrugged.

“You seriously don’t want to take romantic advice from Two-Date Brennan,” Jayna leaned toward Nick, whispering loudly.

“But you’ll take advice from Jayna Date-and-Dash?” Derek scoffed.

“A grand gesture. That sounds so romantic,” Jessica sighed.

“But what?” Nick lifted both his hands into the air.

“You need to make it epic.” Jayna liked this idea, even if Brennan had come up with it.

“I showed up on her doorstep with her favorite flowers and the ring. I proposed again, and she told me to come back when I meant it. Slammed the door in my face.” Nick shook his head as he spoke. “What more can I do?”

“You need to mean it,” Jayna told him, and an idea formed. “Where was the original wedding booked? I remember Piper was so excited about it.”

“The Old Mill for the reception after the ceremony at the church beside the river,” Nick told her.

Jayna grabbed her phone out of her purse and pulled up the internet. She googled the Old Mill, hit the contact info, and tapped the call button.

“What are you doing?” Derek asked.

She shushed him.

“May I help you?” A female voice answered, and she set her phone on the table, putting it on speaker.

“I was wondering when you have the next opening for a wedding reception?”

“We book two years in advance,” the woman replied. “But we did have a last-minute cancellation for next Friday.”