“Do you think that?”
“Of course, I do.”
“So, if I didn’t have six hundred thousand dollars that you could spend on Dior every week, it wouldn’t matter?”
“Not at all.” She grabbed my hands. “I love you for you.”
“And if you couldn’t take private jets to Hawaii or L.A. whenever you wanted?—”
“It wouldn’t matter one bit.”
“What about if you weren’t able to get away with seeing four other men behind my back?”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“I invited them here tonight,” I said, looking at my watch. “I gave them a delayed start time, but I figured I should fly them to you for a change instead of you having to make plans yourself.”
“Everett, I have no idea what you’re talking about…”
“You even used some of my money to buy them gifts,” I said. “I don’t know too many women whowant custom suits from Tom Ford.”
“That was for a cousin.”
“Which one?”
The redness on her face gave her away.
“I love you,” she said. “I want a family with you.”
“I’m not into sharing my kid with multiple stepdads.”
“You’re being ridiculous.” Tears welled in her eyes. “This is—this is about Dahlia fucking Foster, isn’t it?”
“Come again?”
“She still has some type of hold on you…Ever since we’ve come here, you haven’t made love to me at all.”
“You’re the one who suggested no more sex until we tie the knot.” I crossed my arms. “I appreciate you for that.”
“She told you that I stopped by to talk to her, didn’t she?”
I arched a brow. “This is my first time hearing about that. When the hell was this?”
“I tried to stake my claim, to keep her away from here long before we got here, and I should’ve known the moment I ordered those roses for you, the moment she gave me the worst-stems I’d ever had, that she was cutting me and us up on purpose. And then she?—”
“You told me you never ordered anything from Blooms & Letters.” I caught what she’d just said. “What did your letter say?”
“That I loved you.”
“What else did it say?”
“Everett, you're not actually going to do this are you?” She ignored my question, grabbing my wrist. “Why don't we just take a moment to calm down? You're not thinking.”
“My thoughts are crystal clear,” I said. “Six months wasn’t enough time to really know you, anyway. You caught me at a low moment.”
“How can you say such a thing?” Her voice cracked, and she scrunched her face like she was about to cry, but no tears fell. “We just need some time alone to recommit to each other.”
“That’s the opposite of what we need.” I couldn’t believe she was still trying to force tears. “Let’s end this like adults.”