He pushed his sock-covered feet into the shoes, put his hand on the grab bar, and hoisted himself up. Feeling dizzy, he had to take a moment to steady himself before reaching for the walker.
"Why did no one call me when Ell-rom woke up?" Jasmine accused.
It was possible that Julian had forgotten to tell his mother, but Jasmine doubted that. The guy wasn't forgetful.
"Ell-rom didn't want me to call you," Bridget said. "He wanted you to enjoy your time with your friends, and I agreed with him."
Ell-rom was all alone in the bathroom, without anyone to stand by the door in case he needed help.
"What if he falls down and hurts himself?"
Bridget smiled. "We would know and go help him. Stop worrying." She opened the clinic door for Gertrude, who walked in with two trays.
"Dinner time." Bridget took one of the trays from the nurse and turned to Jasmine. "Can you please get the door?"
"Yes, of course." She opened the door to Ell-rom's room and held it open for Bridget and Gertrude to go in.
If Bridget was okay with Ell-rom being alone in the bathroom, then there was no reason for him to remain in the clinic.
After the doctor and nurse placed the trays on the side table, Jasmine followed Bridget to her office. "When do you think Ell-rom will be ready to move out of the clinic? I don't think he should be here anymore. He can stay with me in the penthouse, and we can come down here every day for the rehabilitation."
For a long moment, Bridget seemed to be mulling it over. "What happens the next time you want to go to the café and there is no one in the penthouse to keep an eye on your prince?"
That was a good point. "I'll take him with me."
Jasmine expected Bridget to laugh at the ludicrous suggestion, but the doctor seemed to take it seriously. "Give him one more night here, and tomorrow he can move to the penthouse."
"Thank you." Jasmine felt like hugging Bridget, but the doctor didn't seem to be the type who enjoyed that sort of thing. "I owe you and Julian and Gertrude so much. You have all basically put your lives on hold to care for Ell-rom and Morelle."
Surprisingly, that was the part that got a chuckle out of Bridget. "Thank you. We like being appreciated, but we are not doing this for you."
"I know. But still, I need to express my gratitude."
Bridget nodded. "You are welcome. Now, go eat dinner with your prince before it gets cold."
"Yes. I will." She rushed back into the room.
Ell-rom should have been out by now. Was he showering again?
She was about to ask if he was okay in there, but when the door opened, a transformed prince came out of the bathroom.
"Wow, Ell-rom." Jasmine put a hand over her heart, and tears misted her eyes. "You look so handsome, so dignified."
"Thank you." He smiled shyly. "I wanted to look more presentable for my sister's visit."
Jasmine lost the war with the tears, and they spilled out of her eyes in a gush.
Ell-rom's expression turned horrified. "What happened?"
"Nothing." She waved a hand. "These are happy tears. I'm just overwhelmed with joy."
She was overreacting, and she blamed the actor in her. Jasmine had been trained not to stifle her feelings. She was taught to embrace and amplify them so she could reenact them, but it didn't work with every emotion. She didn't do that with negative emotions because she knew instinctively that it was dangerous to let those feelings loose. But happy ones, well, they could get as wild as they wanted to go.
Ell-rom walked toward her as fast as the walker allowed, and when he reached her, he cupped her cheek and leaned over to take her lips in a gentle kiss. "I'm glad you are so happy about me wearing the things you got for me."