If she hadn't been kissing him so passionately at that moment, she would have smiled and pumped her fist in the air in triumph. Ell-rom was losing his shyness and letting his male instincts take over. Instead of trying to hide his erection, he was now pressing it into her soft belly. If she didn't stop him, he would come in his pants, which she was totally on board for, but on second thought, she realized that it might be a blow to his ego.

He might be an innocent who didn't know the first thing about sex, but he was smart, and he would know that it indicated a loss of control.

The problem was resisting the need to continue what she had started.

Jasmine could no more let go of Ell-rom than he could let go of her, but since she was the one with sexual maturity, she should be the one to act responsibly.

With a sigh, she removed her leg from his hip, pulled his hand from under her shirt, and ended the kiss. "We can't continue," she whispered.

Swallowing, he nodded. "The camera."

"Yes," she agreed, even though she had forgotten all about it.

"I'm sorry," he murmured.

"For what?"

"For getting so excited."

"I got excited, too." She cupped his cheek. "You can probably smell my arousal, and that fuels yours."

His eyes widened. "Yes. I didn't realize what that intoxicating smell was."

She chuckled. "I'm not really qualified to deliver an intro to immortal physiology, but I know a thing or two."

Perhaps hooking up with Edgar had been part of the Fates' plan. Thanks to him, she knew some basic things about immortal males.

Ell-rom frowned. "Introduction to immortal physiology? What do you mean by that?"

It really wasn't the right time to tell him about Edgar.

Jasmine waved a dismissive hand. "Intro is the name of the first class on something. What I was saying was that I don't know enough to deliver that first class."

He turned on his back. "I will ask Julian. It's worth the embarrassment to learn what I need to know." He sighed. "Even if I recover my memories, I doubt that I knew those sorts of things after being raised without any males around."

He must have at least masturbated, but she didn't want to embarrass him by pointing that out. Hopefully, Julian would be open with Ell-rom. If he wouldn't, she would have to take matters into her own hands, so to speak, and teach Ell-rom everything about his male anatomy and physiology.

"Talking with Julian is a very good idea." She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You should sleep now. You've had a big day today, and tomorrow, you start anew."

Ell-rom turned toward her and put his arm around her. "I don't want to sleep," he murmured. "I'm afraid I'll wake up and find this was all a dream."

Jasmine's heart melted a little. "It's not a dream. I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise."

"In bed with me?"

She smiled. "I can't promise that, but I will be here in the room with you."

"Stay in bed with me."

He was fighting against his exhaustion, his eyelids growing heavier by the second, but she had a feeling that he wouldn't let himself fall asleep if she didn't promise to stay.


A soft smile lifted his lips, and then he let out a sigh. "Thank you."

"Sleep, my sweet prince," she whispered, running her fingers gently over his brow. "I've got you."

When Ell-rom finally succumbed to sleep, his breathing evening out, Jasmine lay awake a while longer, watching the rise and fall of his chest and marveling at how quickly and deeply she had fallen for this male from another world.