They entered a short corridor, and Jasmine stopped next to a door. "This is our bedroom." She swung it open and motioned for him to go ahead of her.
The large room was dominated by a bed that was piled with pillows and looked far more comfortable than what he had been sleeping on since he had woken up from stasis. More floor-to-ceiling windows offered the same breathtaking view of the city.
Ell-rom stepped inside, his eyes roaming over every detail. He noticed a door off to one side, presumably leading to a bathroom. Everything looked soft and inviting.
"Nice, right?" Jasmine walked over to the other door in the room. "Wait until you see the bathroom. It's not utilitarian like the one in the clinic." She frowned. "There are no grab bars. I hope you will be able to manage without them." She rubbed her temple. "I should have thought about that."
"It's okay." He left the walker and took two hesitant steps toward her. "I will manage." He wrapped his arms around her and dipped his head to take her lips in a kiss.
When Jasmine embraced him back, he had a feeling that she was doing that to make sure he didn't fall over, but as their kiss became more passionate, she began using her hands to caress him instead of to support him.
When they both needed to come up for air, Jasmine looked up at him with a smile on her lips and in her eyes. "I love how tall you are. You make me feel feminine and delicate."
"You are feminine and delicate."
Her smile widened. "I'm considered tall for a woman, and I'm built solidly rather than delicately, but thank you for thinking that."
He couldn't understand why being tall and solid was considered less desirable than being short and delicate, but then he did not understand a lot of things. Maybe it was something specific to humans?
Not that it mattered either way.
He loved Jasmine just the way she was.
He loved her, and suddenly, he couldn't contain the enormity of the feeling without expressing it.
"I love you, Jasmine. I think you are beautiful, kind, smart, charming, and talented. There isn't one thing I would want to change about you."
Looking suddenly shy, Jasmine let out a breath and leaned her forehead against his chest. "There is one thing you should want to change about me."
"What's that?"
"You need to make me immortal."
"Iwill," Ell-rom whispered. "As soon as I can."
Jasmine wanted to kick herself.
He'd just told her that he loved her, and all she could say in return was that he needed to make her immortal.
Talk about lame and unromantic.
Taking a deep breath, she lifted her arms and wound them around his neck. "I love you too, and I wouldn't change a thing about you. I'm not in a rush, so don't feel pressured. It will happen when the Fates want it to happen."
It was still a lame love declaration, but he had taken her by surprise, and she hadn't had a nicely articulated and romantic speech prepared.
Jasmine had recited words of love in many plays, and she had even been moved by some, but now that she knew what love felt like, none of them could adequately express what was in her heart.
Ell-rom nodded. "I know, but I want to be who you need me to be. I don't want to keep you waiting."
She lifted on her toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. "You already are who I need you to be. You are kind, smart, and you love me. The rest will come, and I don't mind the wait. All good things are worth waiting for." She took his hand. "Let's see that bathroom, shall we?"
After exploring the bathing chamber with its luxurious shower and soaking tub, Jasmine led Ell-rom back to the living room.
"Would you like some coffee?" she asked as he parked the walker next to one of the couches. '"We have the benefit of the kitchen being right here, so I don't have to go anywhere to make it. That alone is worth the move."