"That's what I wanted you to experience," Jasmine said. "Fresh air, or as fresh as it gets in downtown Los Angeles."

"I can smell impurity in the air, but it is still lovely. Thank you for bringing me here."

Julian, who had gone somewhere with Jasmine's things, emerged and waved at them. "I put everything in the hallway next to your room. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you." Jasmine waved at him.

As Julian closed the door behind him, Ell-rom pushed the walker over the threshold and stepped out onto the terrace.

The air was crisper, and it was noisier outside, but he didn't know where the noise was coming from or what was making it.

His eyes roamed over the terrace, taking in the narrow pool that stretched along its length and the greenery that seemed to sprout directly from the floor in artfully arranged planters.

He moved towards the railing, his gaze drawn to the vista before him. Tall buildings that were covered in glass stretched towards the sky and lined both sides of a broad pathway. Far below, he could see many small conveyances moving along what appeared to be a portion of the pathway that was designated for their use.

"What are those?" He pointed.

"Those are private vehicles," Jasmine explained. "It's how most people get around in the city."

Ell-rom furrowed his brow, trying to recall if Anumati had similar modes of transportation, but his mind remained frustratingly blank. "I don't remember what we used on Anumati," he admitted.

Jasmine put her hand on his arm. "You can ask the gods when they get here. Their information is a little more updated than yours, but they probably know what modes of transportation were available to the Kra-ell seven thousand years ago."

Ell-rom nodded. "Is this considered a large city by Earth standards?"

"Los Angeles is huge, but what you can see from here is just a tiny fraction of it. Later, we can go to the other apartment, which has a better, unobstructed view."

"I would like to see that. I would like to see all of Earth one day."

She chuckled. "Perhaps I can arrange for you to have a virtual tour, but you probably need to get better before they can hook you up to the Perfect Match machine."

Jasmine had told him about the devices that matched compatible mates, but he didn't know what they could do for him.

"I'm not looking for a mate." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I found her already."

She grinned. "Perfect Match started as a matchmaking service, but they also offer solo adventures. You can learn how to fly an air transport or jump out of one with a big canvas canopy that will slow down your descent so you can land safely. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many things that can be experienced from the comfort and safety of the Perfect Match studio."

There was a wistfulness in her voice, and he wondered what was stopping her from experiencing the things she had mentioned.

"Have you ever been hooked up to one of those virtual reality things?"

She shook her head. "It costs a lot of money that I don't have, but Kian promised me a job at the company, so I might get to do some free runs."

Ell-rom's gut twisted. Was Jasmine going to leave him to go work for the virtual studios?

"Are you about to start working there soon?"

"Don't worry." She patted his arm. "For now, my job is to take care of you, and until you are back to how you were before entering the stasis chamber, I'm not leaving your side."

"I don't want you to ever leave my side."

"That's a lovely thing to say, but eventually, you will tire of my constant company, and you will be happy to see me go to work so you can have a break from me and my never-ending chatter."

"Never. I love listening to you, seeing your beautiful face, your charming smile, and just being around you."

"I feel the same about you, my prince." Jasmine cupped his cheek and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "Let's explore the rest of the place in privacy, before the others get here and we won't be able to."

Jasmine led him through the spacious living area, pointing out various features. There was a food preparation section with various cooking and cleaning appliances, a comfortable-looking seating area with big couches that were made from the hide of some animal, and shelving units that were filled with books like the ones Jasmine had shown him. Words printed on pages that told a story. There was a fireplace with a big screen above it on which to watch broadcasts. Works of art with bold colors hung on the walls, sculptures perched on pedestals, and a colorful rug covered some of the floor.