The glow in his eyes intensified. "Jasmine," he breathed as he put his hands under her bottom to support her.


"What am I supposed to do now?"

Still cupping his cheeks, she leaned in. "Kiss me."

The look in Ell-rom's eyes shifted from insecurity to something darker, more intense, and then his lips were on hers, kissing her with a fervor that threatened to turn the pool's water to steam.

She responded in kind, her hands wrapping around his neck as she deepened the kiss.

With her clinging to him like a monkey, Ell-rom could support her weight with one hand, and he used the other to explore. As he traced the curves of her body with newfound confidence, cupping her breast, Jasmine arched into his touch, a soft moan escaping her lips.

She knew that they should stop and that this wasn't the time or place, but it was so hard to think clearly when Ell-rom was holding her like this, kissing her like she was the air he needed to breathe.

Desperate for friction, she started rubbing her core against his erection, moving herself up and down with the muscles of her thighs.

Ell-rom pushed one of the bikini top cups aside and teased her nipple in sync with her rubbing motion below.

As things were starting to get truly heated, the sound of the double doors swinging open jolted them back to reality. They sprang apart just as Julian's footsteps sounded on the tiled floor of the pool deck.

"Hello," he called out, seemingly oblivious to what he had walked in on. "Time to wrap it up. We need to get Ell-rom back to the clinic to get showered, eat lunch, and rest before the Clan Mother's visit."

Ell-rom looked at her, his eyes still glowing and his fangs still a little elongated but retracting. "I need a moment," he whispered, but her earpieces had no trouble picking it up.

Thinking quickly, she turned to Julian. "Before we get out, I have a few questions about the physical therapy regimen," she said, her voice a touch too bright. "I was wondering about the long-term goals and how we might be able to continue some of these exercises outside of the pool. I took Pilates back in the day, and it's done lying down. I think it could be very beneficial to Ell-rom. Is there a chance we can get a Pilates reformer in here?"

As Ell-rom shot her a grateful look, Jasmine kept Julian engaged in conversation for a few minutes, giving him time to compose himself.

"A Pilates exercise machine is a great idea, especially since Morelle will have to go through rehabilitation. I'll discuss it with my mother. How long have you been practicing Pilates?"

"Oh, not long. Just a few weeks. It was too pricy for my budget."

Jasmine had a feeling that Julian was perfectly aware of what she was doing and was cooperating with her.

He really was an awesome guy, and Ella was a lucky girl for having him. They would have beautiful babies one day.

"I'm okay," Ell-rom whispered.

She smiled. 'Let's get you out of here before you turn into a prune."

He frowned. "A fruit?"

She chuckled. "It's just another expression that the teardrop can't translate."

"Oh." He held on to her hand as she led him to the pool steps, where Julian was waiting.

"Don't get out yet," she said as she rushed out and grabbed his discarded robe from the floor. "We don't want you to catch a cold." She wrapped it around his shoulders.

"Thank you," he murmured, his voice low enough that only she could hear.

Jasmine offered him a warm smile. "Any time," she replied, giving his hand a quick squeeze.

Julian chuckled. "Just a reminder, Ell-rom can't catch a cold."

"I'm not sure about that." She wrapped her arm around Ell-rom's middle and helped him up the first step. "Maybe the miraculous healing ability is also diminished after seven thousand years in stasis. Human viruses can be deadly to an alien."

Julian stepped forward to help Ell-rom up the rest of the steps. "The healing ability is part of our DNA. It's not something that comes and goes."