Jasmine was human, and she had stumbled upon the world of immortals only recently. Her former partners must have been human, and they didn't have fangs or venom.

Ell-rom found it hard to believe that she'd been intimate with an immortal male in the short time she'd been exposed to the immortals' world, but it wasn't his place to ask. If she wanted to share details about her past with him, she would do so of her own volition.

"Julian also told me what Dormants are, and that you are almost certainly a Dormant, and that if we are together, I will be your inducer." Ell-rom felt his cheeks heat up again as he thought about the next thing Julian had told him, but he also remembered the medic's advice to share his thoughts with Jasmine and not shy away from intimate topics. "He said that I needed to ask for your consent to induce you, and if you didn't wish to become immortal, we would need to use what he called protection."

Julian had described that protection as a very thin barrier that was worn over a male's erection so his seed couldn't enter the female. Venom alone was not enough to induce transition in an adult female, and by preventing the insemination, it could be prevented. It was also a good method to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, although Ell-rom couldn't understand why a pregnancy would be unwanted.

Perhaps when he regained his memories, he would remember why having babies was not always a good thing.

"I know all that," Jasmine said beside him on the bed, her legs dangling over the edge, and she put a hand on his knee. "We are not anywhere near where that is a concern." She turned to look at the camera. "Not in here. I'm going to start advocating for you to stay with me in my apartment at the top of the building, not just because I want us to have a comfortable big bed and privacy, but because I know that you will get better when you have fresh air and a view that is more exciting than the color of this wall."

Ell-rom's excitement rose to such a level that his heart was galloping like a wild animal, but then he remembered that his sister was still unconscious and couldn't leave the clinic. "That sounds so enticing, and I crave that with a frightening intensity, but I need to stay close to Morelle, and I don't think the medical team will approve moving her up to the top-floor lodging."

"No, they won't." Jasmine let out a breath. "I'll think of something. Where there's a will, there's a way, right?"

Ell-rom nodded. "I went to see her while you were gone. Her color is better, and her cheeks are not as hollow. I also like to think she knows I'm there, talking to her."

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long and couldn't come with you," she said. "I had coffee with Margo, the one who helped save me from those bad guys I told you about. She needed my help with something."

"I wasn't complaining." He took her hand. "Well, maybe a little. I miss you when you are gone, even for a short while. But I can't be greedy. Your friends also deserve your company."

Jasmine's lips lifted in a half smile. "Speaking of my friends, they would like to meet you. I told Margo that I would check with you and with the doctors before inviting them."

Her friends had accompanied Jasmine, the gods, and Julian to Tibet and helped in various manners in the search. He owed them a debt of gratitude.

Glancing at the pile of new clothes stacked on the corner of the bed, he nodded. "I would be delighted to meet them, especially since I don't have to do that in these medic clothes." He looked down at the loose, pale blue pants. "Not that there is anything wrong with them, but they are more suitable for sleeping than receiving guests."

"I'm glad that you are happy about the clothing." Jasmine leaned in, wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Now all that's left is to get the medical team's approval and check whether your other sister plans to visit you today."

"Yes. I would like to know that as well. I forgot to ask Julian if he knew whether she was coming."

"I'll ask him." Jasmine hopped off the bed. "In the meantime, you can put on the swimming trunks. We need to hit the pool and start working your muscles."

"We?" He arched a brow. "Are you coming in with me?"

"If that's okay with you. I have my swimming suit on already." She pulled her shirt up and her pants down, revealing something so sinfully sexy that it took his breath away.


He had trouble catching a breath.

"What is this thing?" he mumbled.

Two red triangles with some gold design on them covered the very tips of her breasts and were connected with strings that looped behind her neck and her back. The bottom part wasn't much better, with a small red triangle covering her feminine mound and connecting with strings to the back.

Laughing, Jasmine pulled her shirt down and her pants up, covering the swimming attire. "It's called motivation."

She left the room before he could ask what she'd meant by that.



Jasmine was still smiling when she left the room. The expression on Ell-rom's face had been priceless, and the erection that had sprung up between his legs was the best sign of health.

Her prince was really getting better by the hour rather than by the day.

She was glad that Julian had told him about her being a Dormant and that it hadn't come from her. She'd dreaded telling Ell-rom that she needed him to induce her.