"Why?" She tugged at them, and he was too weak to prevent her from prying them away from his face. "Don't hide from me. Tell me what's gotten into you."

"I don't know what I'm doing. I'm like a boy, like a baby."

As understanding dawned, Jasmine burst out laughing. "Talk about lost in translation."

She was ridiculing him.

No, she wasn't.

Jasmine was kind and compassionate. She wouldn't do that. There must be some misunderstanding.

"What did I get wrong?"

She put a hand over her chest and sighed but then burst out laughing again. "I'm so sorry." She took in a deep breath. "Here. I'm fine now." She took another deep breath. "So, you know how many of the expressions in my language lose meaning when translated to Kra-ell?"

He nodded.

"Lover boy is a compliment. It means that I find you attractive, desirable, and very eager. Baby steps mean small steps, taking it slow and not rushing."

The lump in his throat dissolved. "You find me attractive?"

"Very much so." She leaned and kissed the tip of his nose. "And I love being your teacher. There is something very sexy and wicked about seducing an innocent cleric. It feels positively devilish." She waggled her dark brows.

It was on the tip of his tongue to declare his love for her, but he knew what her response would be, so he remained quiet and only smiled.

"I need to go. Margo is waiting for me. I promised to have a cup of coffee with her before she leaves for the day."

He nodded. "Come back as soon as you can."

"I will. But first, let me help you get down from the bed and into the bathroom."

"I think I can do it without help."

She nodded. "Go ahead. I'll stay to make sure that you don't fall."

"That makes sense. Thank you."

As he pushed to a sitting position and then moved his legs over the side of the bed, Jasmine brought the walker over so that it was within reach. The bed was elevated, and his feet hung in the air, but the distance wasn't great, and as he slid his bottom to the edge of the bed, his feet touched the floor.

The next step was a little scary, and as he shifted his weight to his feet and pushed away from the bed, Jasmine hovered nearby to catch him.

There was no need. He was steady even before gripping the handles of the walker.

"Bravo!" Jasmine clapped her hands. "You did it!"

He grinned. "I did."

"I'll wait for you to be done in the bathroom and then leave."

"It's okay." He leaned on the walker and released one of the handles to free his hand to cup Jasmine's cheek. "Your friend is waiting for you. Just inform Gertrude or Julian on your way out that I'm in the bathroom."

"Okay." She leaned her cheek into his hand for a moment and sighed. "Why is it so hard to leave you even for a few minutes?"

"I don't know, but I feel the same."