Hooking her thumbs in the waistline of her pants, she turned around and bent down as she pushed them off her pert bottom, and Ell-rom nearly choked.

Her underwear was even more revealing than her bathing suit bottoms. The back triangle was missing, and her butt cheeks were on full display.

And what a magnificent display that was.

As she turned around, he half expected the front triangle to be missing as well, but there was one that was also semi-sheer.

He wasn't going to look. He was going to concentrate on her smiling brown eyes with the gold flakes swimming around her pupils.

"You like?" she asked as she entered the tub on the other end and sat down.

"Do you have to ask?"

"Not really, but I like to hear it."

"You are magnificent."

Her smile broadened. "Thank you." She slid under the foam, and a moment later, the top underwear item went flying. "That's much better." She sighed, lifted her legs, slid the bottoms up her shapely thighs, and tossed them as well.

Now she was completely naked under the foam cover, and Ell-rom really couldn't breathe.

"So, do you want me to activate the jets?" She played with the thin layer of soap bubbles barely covering her breasts.

Unable to speak, Ell-rom just shook his head.



"Would you like me to wash your hair?" Jasmine offered as she reached for the shampoo.

Ell-rom laughed nervously. "What hair?"

"Okay. The fuzz. It still needs to be washed."

His eyes started glowing. "I would love your hands on me. So, if you want to massage my scalp, you are more than welcome to do so."

Jasmine knew what her prince was thinking, which was exactly what she wanted him to think. She would have to rise above the cover of bubbles, and he would get to see her breasts.

"Turn around." She circled with her finger.

He looked disappointed. "Do I have to?"

She laughed. "How else am I going to get to your head?"

The glow in his eyes intensified. "You could lean over me."

Jasmine canted her head. "Then the game will be over before it begins. Turn around, Ell-rom."

There was defiance in his blazing blue eyes, but after a moment, he did as she'd commanded, giving her his back.

He had a nice back, even though she could count all his ribs. It was broad, with the skin stretched taut over it, and it was starting to look healthy. It had a slightly lighter shade than hers, and it had a natural golden hue that she could only accomplish by rubbing colored tanning oil over herself.

One day soon, though, he would fill out, and this gorgeous skin would be stretched taut over strong muscle. He wouldn't even need to frequent the gym to get ripped. Immortals and gods didn't have to work hard for their perfect physiques.

As she moved behind him, rubbing a little shampoo into his scalp and massaging gently with her fingertips, Ell-rom moaned and tilted his head back.

"You see? I told you it would feel good."