“Listen,” he said, changing the subject quickly. “I wanted to run something by you.”
“All right.”
“The guys and I have been asked to do a charity concert in a couple of weeks. It will be recorded in front of an audience and broadcast live.”
Live? My stomach churned. Shit’s getting real.
“Ridge and I thought it might be the perfect time to make your grand introduction.”
“On national television?” I was pretty sure my voice jumped an octave.
He laughed, “We don’t do many television appearances, other than award shows, and with all the press still surrounding Mitch, we want to try to redirect that.” His voice dipped like it physically pained him to say his name.
“I get it,” I said.
Mitch had not only fucked over the band; he’d ruined a young girl’s life in the process. Since she’d recently turned eighteen, her name had been leaked, and she’d been dragged through the mud by the press. Asher and the band were doing everything they could for her, including trying to redirect the headlines.
“So, what do you think?”
“Uh, what day?” I asked, grabbing the back of my neck as I paced the kitchen.
He rattled off the date, and I realized it was the day after Macon’s wedding. A pit in my stomach formed. I knew I was going to have to leave here, but now, it all seemed so…final.
“How soon would you need me?” I asked, explaining to him my time crunch.
“You could fly out the day of, as long as you get there early enough for sound check.”
How was I going to explain this to Macon? To Elena?
I was just going to board that ferry without being able to say a word and then show up on national television the next day?
Fuck my life.
“All right,” I agreed nonetheless. “Sounds good.”
“Great. I’ll have Ridge set up the rest and contact you and Lance with the details. I just wanted to be the one to call and ask,” he explained. “I know you probably feel like you’re being thrown into a shitstorm, but we’re glad you’re joining us.”
I thought back to my months with them, and I smiled. “Yeah, me, too.”
“Enjoy your brother’s wedding. And the last few moments of peace.” He said it sort of jokingly, but I couldn’t miss the hint of sadness in his tone.
I’d always known I was leaving. I only had three weeks in Ocracoke and that time was dwindling quicker than sand in an hourglass. But for some reason, that phone call had just made everything feel so real.
This had an end date.
Was it even fair for us to start something?
Kind of too late for that…
I blew out a breath, took a sip of my coffee and set it down. I texted Hendrix to see if he was awake.
You never texted me when you got home.
His text back to me was almost immediate.