It wasn’t even in the realm of traditional, and I felt like a pure badass in it.

Gretchen gave me a motherly sort of smile and a moment to admire myself before scooping up the back of the skirt and helping me out the door.

I heard Zander before I saw him.

“Fucking hell.”

I looked up to see his eyes drinking in every detail—from the high slit to the tight waist and silky fabric. We got to the pedestal, and just as Gretchen was about to help me up, Zander was there.

“May I?” he asked.

A blush tinted her cheeks, and she nodded.

Somehow, I thought this woman would allow him to get away with just about anything at this point.

He held out his hand and offered me a lopsided grin. Biting my bottom lip in an attempt to keep from laughing, I took it as he helped me up. His hungry gaze lingered on my bare leg as I stepped onto the pedestal.

He took over for Gretchen completely, walking around and adjusting the skirt with precision. He was very dedicated to his task, and I watched as his eyes roamed all over me, making me instantly flush. I felt like I was being prepped for a meal, and God help me, I couldn’t wait to be eaten.

When he got to the front, he even bent down and positioned the fabric at just the right angle. As he rose, his hand slid up my bare thigh, his thumb barely grazing my tattoo.

I was so turned on by the tiniest touch of his hand; it was embarrassing.

“What do you think?” My voice sounded a little breathless.

“I think I want to marry you in this dress,” he said, his eyes unfocusing for a moment, as if he was a little shocked by that statement.

Maybe he just realized we’d have to pay for it…

“But we don’t know when that will be yet,” I said, directing my words toward Gretchen.

“Oh, that’s no problem,” she scoffed. “No problem at all. We can work all those details out later.”

I turned back to Zander, who was still looking at me with that Zander brand of intensity. He hopped off the pedestal and whispered something in Gretchen’s ear. That blush came roaring back to her face, and then she nodded before walking away. Zander proceeded to walk toward me and offer me his hand.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, but he just smirked, so I took it. It was then that I realized he was the one who was escorting me to the dressing room.

Gretchen had walked away.

My heart started to beat wildly in my chest. Was he going in there with me?

I stepped into the lavish space, the other dresses now gone. All that remained were my own clothes that I had neatly folded on a chair in the corner. I looked up at the mirror and watched as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Okay, that answered that question.

I started to turn around, but his hand curled around my waist, and I was pinned against his chest.

“What the hell are you up to?” I asked, still entranced by the sight of him. Of us.

His large body made the once-spacious dressing room feel incredibly small.

And hot. So very hot.

“I told Gretchen that I needed to educate myself on the logistics of my bride’s gown.” He grinned.

My mouth dropped open. “And she just agreed?”

“I can be very charming,” he whispered next to my ear. “And she’s a romantic.”