“Whoa. That’s a lot of white,” Zander said, holding a hand to his eyes like he’d been blinded.
I laughed. “They should really give you sunglasses before you come here.”
He glanced around, his tight black Metallica shirt and fitted jeans a stark contrast to all the frilliness that surrounded us. “I feel like I’m walking into someplace I shouldn’t, like that time I accidentally walked into the girls’ restroom on a field trip.”
I snorted, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward. I tried to focus on the warmth of his skin or how his fingers intertwined with mine. “I’m not a fan of this place either,” I whispered like I was keeping a secret from the walls themselves.
“Yeah?” That seemed to perk him up.
“Yeah. I mean, why white?” I said, looking around. His brow lifted. “Okay, I know why. But if I were to get married—which I’m not saying I am.”
“Course not.” He humored me.
“But if I were, I wouldn’t want to dress up like some virginal sacrifice. It’s an outdated tradition, and besides, I look horrible in white.”
“All right. So, what color would you want?”
A ghost of a smile played across my lips, but before I could answer, a woman came from the back. She was around my mother’s age, but far more stylish. Her gray hair was swept back in a low bun, and she wore a pink tailored pantsuit.
Of course.
“Hello!” she greeted us with a wide smile. “I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting.” Her gaze drifted down to our still-linked hands, and I noticed she softened a little. “Oh my, what a beautiful couple. What can I help you two with today?”
“Oh.” I blushed, instantly turning to Zander as I began to pull away. But before I could, his grip on my hand tightened, locking me in place.
“Thank you.” A wicked grin spread across his lips as he pulled me closer. I had to hide the sharp inhale as my back collided with his chest and a firm hand snaked around my waist.
What the hell is he doing?
“We’re actually here for two reasons,” he told her. “My brother is getting married in a few weeks. I’m the best man, and my girl here is the maid of honor.”
His girl? The fuck?
“Oh, that’s lovely.” The woman’s eyes were as round as saucers as she gobbled up his bullshit.
“So, the first order of business is picking up the bride’s wedding dress, and then since I got into town late, I need to be fitted for a suit.”
“That’s simple enough,” she said. “My husband usually handles the suit and tuxedo side of things but I’m sure we have everything for the wedding party on file. What else?”
“Well…” His hold around my waist tightened, and my belly started to flutter as he leaned forward. I felt the tip of his nose brush past my ear and down the nape of my neck. He barely touched me, but the act of it felt incredibly intimate and sent shivers down my spine. “We haven’t told anyone because we don’t want to steal my brother’s thunder—hence the lack of a ring—but I just asked this beautiful woman to marry me, and she said yes!”
I faked the biggest smile I could manage while I quietly plotted Zander’s murder.
“Oh, how wonderful!” The woman was so far under his spell that she was nearly jumping up and down in joy in her pretty pink pumps.
“Now, we’re not one for tradition,” he told her, and although I couldn’t see him from this angle, I could just feel the panty-melting smile he must be broadcasting across the room ’cause the poor woman looked like she was about to overheat. “So, we’re not planning on doing a big wedding like my brother.”
“Oh, that’s all right,” she said, making a gesture with her hand like her entire life didn’t depend on people doing that very thing.
“But that doesn’t mean I want to miss the opportunity to see her in a wedding dress, you know?”
“Oh, absolutely!” she agreed, eyeing me from head to toe like I was a giant Barbie doll.
“You think you could help us out with that? I’d love to see her try a few on.”
I looked up at him, intent on glaring, but when I saw the heat in his eyes, all I could do was stare.