Marin assured me that this was going to be a small affair, but it felt like the whole island had been booked up solely for this event. By the time we finished everything on Marin’s to-do list and ordered dinner, I fell asleep almost the second I got home and didn’t check in with the boys until the next morning.
“Rough night?” Hendrix grinned as I stumbled into the kitchen after the smell of coffee lured me from my bed. He was in a pair of loose pajama pants that sat low on his waist, and the black tank he wore clung to his muscles like a second skin.
“I didn’t see it coming, but Marin is a borderline bridezilla.” I set my phone on the counter as he handed me a mug. I grabbed it out of his hand like it was the holy fucking grail.
“Marin? Really? She comes off so chill.”
I turned to see Zander strolling into the kitchen. Shirtless.
I nearly dropped my whole damn mug right there on the tiled floor.
I want to trace those tattoos with my tongue like he’s a treasure map…only it’s not gold I’m seeking…
“Um, what?” Those were the only words I managed to get out before my brain caught up with my vocal cords, and I finally said, “Oh, yeah. You would think. But she’s about the details—centerpieces, floral arrangements, fucking seating charts.”
“Seating charts? Like we had in school?” Hendrix chimed in.
I leaned against the center island as Hendrix finished up his coffee, clutching my mug as I watched Zander open the fridge and check the contents before closing it again. “Sort of, but more strategic because you’ve got to figure out where to put Aunt Rose so that she’s close to the bathroom, but not anywhere near Uncle Leon because they’re not on speaking terms.”
He squeezed by me, and I felt his hand brush my bare thigh as he went to grab a mug of his own. Without even asking, Hendrix plucked it from his hand, filled it, and then handed it back to him.
I guessed he wasn’t a milk and sugar type of guy.
“That’s insane,” he said, stepping aside to allow me access to the coffeepot.
I didn’t miss the way Zander’s eyes tracked me.
I tried to ignore his heated gaze and focused on filling my cup. “If I ever get married, I’m never doing a seating chart. Ever. People can just sit wherever the fuck they want. It will be chaos, but who cares? Actually, you know what? I’m just gonna elope.”
“Sounds perfect.” A lopsided grin tugged at his lips before he brought his coffee cup to his mouth, and I watched his throat bob as he swallowed.
Why did my stomach do flip-flops when he did that?
My phone started vibrating on the counter, and Hendrix wordlessly handed it to me. I thanked him as I saw Marin’s name flash across the screen.
“I still have an hour,” I said the moment I answered, staring at the time on the microwave. Was it already eight thirty in the damn morning? I wasn’t sure if I should be proud of this new ability to sleep in or be slightly horrified. “I’m not late yet.”
“I know you’re not. That’s not why I’m calling.”
“Please don’t make me go buy you another matcha latte. They make my car smell like microwaved grass.”
The guys laughed.
Marin joined in. “It does not. And no. Although?—”
“No more caffeine!” I heard Macon yell in the background.
“This is what I get for being lazy and putting you on speakerphone.” She sighed. “Speaking of which, can you put me on speakerphone? I need to talk to you and Zander together.”
“Okay.” The word was dripping with suspicion as I placed my phone on the counter and tapped the right button before turning to Zander. “Apparently, Marin would like to talk to us both.”
His brow lifted as he casually leaned against the counter, one leg over the other, looking effortlessly cool. “All right,” he said, taking a sip of coffee before he folded his arms across his chest.
“Okay, we’re both here,” I told her.
“Oh, okay. Great! Morning, Zander!” she said in a sisterly sort of way. A little annoying, kind of sweet.
“Morning, Marin,” he mimicked, a wide grin on his face.