Shit, did I sleep through my alarm?
God, I felt disoriented. I turned my head slowly, shifting in the too-firm bed, and found my suitcase on the floor across from me. The world started to make sense again.
Marin. Ocracoke. Wedding.
The initial shock from last night had worn off, and although the painful reality of once again realizing that my brother was gone was still there, I was truly happy for my best friend.
And so unbelievably grateful to have her in my life.
Seeing her standing there at the door, knowing she’d left her own engagement party to come find me, had reminded me just how amazing she was.
If my brother’s life had to be cut short, I was glad he at least had gotten to spend it with her.
Zander had never come back after he left Marin and me alone to talk. I wasn’t sure if he didn’t feel comfortable with Marin here or if he simply needed to rest. But the two of us talked for hours until Macon came by and stole her back, grumbling about the stragglers at the party and how long it took them to leave.
You give people an open bar, and suddenly, they forget where they live…
It had been late when they both headed home, but part of me had hoped I might see Zander again. He was leaving today, and I’d wanted to have a little more time with him before he left.
To thank him.
It doesn’t matter.
He’s leaving regardless.
I sat up and stretched, looking out the window. It was sunny, which meant it was going to be hot. For a girl who had grown up in Texas and Virginia, you’d think I would be used to this kind of weather, but I hated it. It wasn’t to say I liked the cold either. Give me seventy-five and sunny any day of the week. I was not made for extremes.
I threw the covers off and quickly changed out of my pajamas. I might have packed cozy loungewear, but my PJs were the exact opposite. One hundred percent silk, this little short and camisole set was worth every damn penny, and it made sleeping feel indulgent.
Thankfully, each bedroom in this house came with its own bathroom, so I headed into mine and brushed my teeth. Catching a quick look in the mirror, I tried to tame my hair with a brush, but ended up just tossing it into a messy ponytail before heading into the kitchen.
The house was eerily quiet.
What time was it?
I realized I hadn’t even checked. I made a mental note to mention that to Marin.
See, I was totally acing this vacation thing.
I went to the pantry and pulled out a bag of coffee and then pulled out the pot to fill it with water.
My eyes widened as I saw its digital clock staring back at me.
Nine freaking thirty?
I’d slept in until nine thirty?
After that startling revelation, I realized I wasn’t the only one.
Zander’s bedroom door was still firmly shut.
I had no idea what Zander’s schedule was, but I knew he’d planned on talking to Macon today, so he had to be up at some point.
Maybe I’d make him something as a thank-you for the meal he’d bought me the other night.